
董大明 副研究员 (dongdm@nercita.org.cn)    




1983年出生,辽宁北票人。国家农业智能装备工程技术研究中心光学传感与物理实验室负责人,中心学术委员会成员,担任中国农业大学、沙巴足球(中国)股份有限公司官网、北京航空航天大学硕士生导师。精通激光与红外光谱理论、光机电一体化设计与研制。2009年以前主要从事红外光谱系统研制工作,担任总装某重点型号项目核心技术人员。之后从事农业环境的光学监测方法研究,研究特色为兼顾光谱测量机理研究与新型传感器研制,以激光和红外光谱技术为手段,围绕农业中的气体、土壤和水质传感开展方法研究和设备研制。 “十二五”首批863计划重大项目研究团队负责人。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、面上项目、重点项目(子课题)、北京市自然基金重点项目、863计划、科技支撑计划等科研项目。 2012年以来,以第一/通讯作者身份在Scientific Reports、Analyst、Environmental Science and Technology、RSC Advances 等杂志发表论文50余篇,其中SCI检索30余篇。获得美国专利2项,申请发明专利36项(11项已授权),获得实用新型专利18项。研制新型农业专用光学传感和监测设备17种,部分已投入生产。2014年入选北京市科技新星计划,2016年获得国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金资助(是农业工程领域首位获资助者),入选杰出青年农业科学家。


1999年-2003年  中南大学 自动化专业    本科

2004年-2005年  中国科学技术大学 物理系 硕士课程

2004年-2009年  中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所 博士



2009-今, 国家农业智能装备工程技术研究中心














  1. Yun Lang, Leizi Jiao, Dashan Wang, Jianping Liang, and Daming Dong∗, An Infrared Sensor for Large Area Temperature Measurement—The Distance Compensation Method. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. 2016, 13, 1–7, (SCI)
  2. Leizi Jiao, Daming Dong*, Haikuan Feng, Xiande Zhao, Liping Chen. Monitoring spray drift in aerial spray application based on infrared thermal imaging technology. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture ,2016,121, 135–140(SCI, EI)
  3. Kun Zhang, Leizi Jiao, Yun Lang, Daming Dong. Research on developing a miniature temperature measurement system based on uncooled infrared detector. Energy science and applied technology. 2016, 503-508( EI)
  4. D. Dong*, W. Zheng, L. Jiao, Y. Lang, X. Zhao*. Chinese vinegar classification via volatiles using long-optical-path infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics. Food Chemistry, 2016, 194: 95–100




  2. Xiande Zhao, Daming Dong,* Wengang Zheng, Leizi Jiao and Pengcheng Han. The application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in domestic detergent residues detection. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 89164 (SCI, EI)
  3. Kun Zhang, Tieying Li, Xiande Zhao, Pengcheng Han, Daming Dong*. Implementation of the Algorithms for Uncooled Infrared Image Applied to Temperature Fields Based on FPGA. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2015, 11-15, 5709–5716 ( EI)
  4. Bingke Zhang, Song Ye, Guangdong Xiao, Daming Dong*, Identification of beef spoilage via the analysis of volatiles using long optical-path Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Anal. Methods, 2015, 7, 5891(SCI, EI)
  5. Leizi Jiao, Xiande Zhao, and Daming Dong*. Design for Temperature Measurement System Based on Smart Phone and Infrared Thermal Camera Core. 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Research and Mechatronics Engineering Atlantis Press, 2015, 1336-1339( EI)
  6. Xiande Zhao, Leizi Jiao, and Daming Dong*. Design of a suspended particles sensor based on laser backscattering theory that used in poultry housing and corral. 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Research and Mechatronics Engineering Atlantis Press, 2015, 1330-1335( EI)
  7. Xiaofan Du, Daming Dong*, Lizi Jiao, Pengcheng Han, Yun Lang.  Research on High-speed Data Acquisition and Real-Time Signal Processing Method Based on Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Engineering. 2015:213-216( EI)
  8. 靳崇,陈天华,董大明。距离对冠层温度传感器的影响及误差修正。农机化研究:2015,4,159-162
  9. Guangdong Xiao, Daming Dong*, Tongqing Liao, Ling Zheng. A novel measurement method of the emission rules of greenhouse gases from fertilized soil based on Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometry with long optical path. Spectroscopy Letters. 2016:48: 572–577
  10. Guangdong Xiao, Daming Dong*, Tongqing Liao, Yang Li, Ling Zheng, Dongyan Zhang,  Chunjiang Zhao. Detection of Pesticide (Chlorpyrifos) Residues on Fruit Peels Through Spectra of Volatiles by FTIR. Food Anal. Methods, 2015, 8:1341–1346
  11. Xiande Zhao, Daming Dong*, Wengang Zheng, Leizi Jiao and Yun Lang. Discrimination of Adulterated Sesame Oil Using Mid-infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics. Food Anal. Methods. 2015,  8:2308–2314
  12. 肖广东,郑玲,董大明,张东彦,张保华, 廖同庆*. 基于长光程的土壤氧化亚氮排放规律的FTIR光谱法研究. 光谱学与光谱分析. 2015, 35: 3063-3067
  13. Xiande Zhao, Daming Dong,* Wengang Zheng, Leizi Jiao and Pengcheng Han. The application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in domestic detergent residues detection. RSC Adv., 2015, 5: 89164
  14. Daming Dong*, Wengang Zheng and Chunjiang Zhao. Comment on “MALDI-MS Imaging Analysis of Fungicide Residue Distributions on Wheat Leaf Surfaces”. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49: 10745−10746
  15. 刘飞,董大明*,赵贤德,郑培超,水体COD的光谱学在线测量方法-紫外和近红外光谱比较分析, 光谱学与光谱分析. (accepted)
  16. 郑文刚,矫雷子,赵贤德,董大明*,通过挥发物鉴别葡萄变质状态-基于长光程红外光谱和简易电子鼻阵列, 光谱学与光谱分析. (accepted)
  17. 叶松,张丙科,杨辉华,张文涛,董大明*,利用挥发物红外光谱鉴别牛肉变质状态, 光谱学与光谱分析. (accepted)
  18. Fei Liu,Peichao Zheng,Baichuan Huang,Xiande Zhao,Leizi Jiao,Daming Dong*,A Review on Optical Measurement Method of Chemical Oxygen Demand in Water Bodies, Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture IX. (accepted)




  1. D. Dong*, W. Zheng, X. Zhao, L. Jiao and C. Zhao*. A New Volatiles-Based Differentiation Method of Chinese Spirits with Longpath Gas-phase Infrared Spectroscopy. Food Chemistry. 2014,155, 45–49
  2. Yahong Wang ,Ping Zhou,Daming Dong*, Wengang Zheng, Song Ye, Wenzhong Wang. Research on measurement method of Sucrose Concentration by Short-wave Near-infrared trans-reflective Spectroscopy. Sensor Letters. 2014,12:1-5
  3. Shuirui Zhang, Daming Dong*, Wengang Zheng, Jihua Wang. Optical methods for monitoring harmful gas in animal facilities. Optical Engineering. 2014, 53(6), 061602
  4. 王亚红,董大明*,周萍,郑文刚,叶松,王文重. 液态样本近红外光谱测量中的光程变化误差消减方法研究. 光谱学与光谱分析. 2014, 34 (10)
  5. L. Jiao, D. Dong, W. Zheng, X. Zhao, S. Zhang, C. Shen. Determination of thiophanate-methyl using UV absorption spectra based on multiple linear regression. Optik. 2014,125, 183– 185.
  6. 王文重,韩峻峰,董大明. 基于LMSE的葡萄劣变监测仪器的设计. 农机化研究. 2014, 9:111-120
  7. 王文重,董大明,韩峻峰. 配备GPRS的大面积作物冠层温度红外传感器设计. 农机化研究. 2014, 8:95-103
  8. Feiyu Ma, Daming Dong*. A Measurement Method on Pesticide Residues of Apple Surface Based on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. Food Anal. Methods. 2014, 7:1858–1865
  9. D. Dong*, W. Zheng, W.Wang, X.Zhao, L. Jiao and C. Zhao*. Analysis and Discrimination of Grape Spoilage via Volatiles: A Comparison between Long Optical Path Fourier-transform-infrared Spectroscopy and Sensor Arrays. Analyst. 2014, 139 (19), 5028 - 5034
  10. 赵贤德,董大明*,郑文刚,矫雷子,郎筠. 红葡萄酒劣变的傅立叶变换红外光谱判别方法. 光谱学与光谱分析.  2014, 34 (10)
  11. Xiaofan Du, Daming Dong*, Xiande Zhao,Lizi Jiao, Pengcheng Han, Yun Lang.  Application and Research of the Least Square Method in the Data Acquisition Module of the TDLS system. 2014 IEEE International System on Instrumentation & Measurement, Sensor Network and Automation(IMSNA). 2014:1602-1605. ( EI)




  1. Dong DM, Zhao CJ, Zheng WG ,Wang WZ, Zhao XD, Jiao LZ. Analyzing Strawberry Spoilage via its Volatile Compounds Using Longpath Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Scientific Reports. 2013, 3. WOS:000323878300005.
  2. D.M.Dong, C.J.Zhao*, W.G.Zheng, X.D.Zhao, L.Z.Jiao. Spectral characterization of nitrogen in farmland soil by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Spectroscopy Letters. 2013, 46(6), 421-426. WOS:000319323700006.

3)         董大明,郑文刚*,赵春江,赵贤德,矫雷子,张石锐. 农田土壤中钾元素含量的激光诱导击穿光谱测量方法. 光谱学与光谱分析.2013, 33(3), 785-789. WOS:000317439900044.

  1. L.Z.Jiao, D.M.Dong*, W.G.Zheng, W.B.Wu, H.K.Feng, C.J.Shen, H.Yan. Determination of Nitrite Using UV Absorption Spectra Based on Multiple Linear Regression. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 2013, 25(4), 2273-2277, WOS:000312621500116
  2. M.Wang, D.Dong*, W.Zheng, L.Jiao, X.Zhao, C.Zhao. USING INFRARED SENSOR FOR LARGE AREA CANOPY TOTAL TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS OF RICE PLANTS. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 2013, 29(1), 115-122, WOS:000325511400014

6)         王文重,董大明*,郑文刚,韩峻峰,叶松,矫雷子,赵贤德. 葡萄劣变过程中挥发性物质的FTIR光谱分析. 化学学报. 2013, 71(2), 234-238. WOS:000315932100014.

7)         王伟明,董大明*,郑文刚,赵贤德,矫雷子,王明飞. 梨果糖浓度近红外漫反射光谱检测的预处理方法研究. 光谱学与光谱分析. 2013, 33(2), 359-362. WOS:000314675100017.

  1. L.Z.Jiao, D.M.Dong∗, W.G.Zheng, W.B.Wu, C.J.Shen, H.Yan. Research on fiber-optic etching method for evanescent wave sensors. Optik. 2013, 124(8), 740-743. WOS:000318056500015.
  2. Shirui Zhang, Jihua Wang*, Daming Dong, Wengang Zheng, Xiande Zhao. Mapping of methane spatial distribution around biogas plant with an open-path tunable diode absorption spectroscopy scanning system. Optical Engineering. 2013, 52(2), 026203-1-026203-8, WOS:000315154800054
  3. Z.J. Zhang, C.J. Zhao, D.M. Dong, W.G. Zheng, L.Z. Jiao, X.D. Zhao. Measurement of chlorophyll in water based on laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy: Using spiral-wound unclad optical fiber system and partial least squares regression. Optik. 2013, 124(18), 3375-3378
  4. S.Zhang,J.Wang, D.Dong,W.Zheng, X.Zhao,L Jiao. AN OLFACTION MONITORING SYSTEM FOR MALODOROUS GASES. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 2013, 29(5).
  5. Xiande Zhao, Wengang Zheng, Daming Dong, Leizi Jiao. Temperature effect on fluorescence of PtOEP embedded in sol–gel membrane used in oxygen sensor. Optik, 2013,124, 6799– 6802.




  1. Shirui Zhang, Daming Dong*, Wengang Zheng, Xiande Zhao, Jihua Wang. Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy Characterization of Farmland Soil Moisture Content. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis. 2012, 32(10).
  2. Zhi ZHAO, Daming DONG*, Wengang ZHENG, Shirui ZHANG, Leizi JIAO, Xiande ZHAO. Research on Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy of Distributed Feed Back Laser Used for Trace Ammonia Measurement. The proceedings of EPPH2012.
  3. Xiande Zhao, Wengang Zheng*, Daming Dong, Shirui zhang, and Leizi Jiao. Characterization and Correction of Temperature Effects on Ru(bpy)32+ Fluorescence Films Used in Dissolved Oxygen Sensor. International Conference on Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering,Materials and Energy(ICFMEME 2012).
  4. Zhang Shirui, Wang Jihua *, Dong Daming, Zheng Wengang, Zhao Xiande. A review of contact sensors used for monitoring malodorous gas in animal facilities. 2012 International Conference on Applied Physics and Materials Science.

5)         王明飞, 熊显名, 董大明, 郑文刚. 基于高速DSP 的红外热成像信号采集和处理系统. 电子科技. 2012, 25(8), 70-76

6)         王伟明, 张文涛, 董大明, 熊显名. 基于近红外光谱的梨果糖浓度无损检测系统.电子科技. 2012, 25(9), 6-12



1)        国家自然科学基金面上项目(31271614),2013.1-2016.1276

2)        北京市自然科学基金重点项目(4131002),2013.1-2015.1265

3)        国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题(61134011),2012.1-2016.1285

4)        北京市科技新星计划,2015.1-2017.1235

5)        863计划(2013AA10230503),2013.1-2017.12105

6)        863计划(2013AA10230202),2013.1-2017.12150

7)        科技支撑计划(2014BAD21B01),2014.1-2016.12200

8)        科技支撑计划(2014BAD08B05-04-01),2014.1-2016.1290

9)        十三五重点研发计划,动物生理、生态、生长传感器研制(2016YFD0700202),2016.1-2020.12510

10)    国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金(31622040),2017.1-2019.12130



1)        国家自然科学基金青年项目(31101748),2012.1-2014.1222

2)        863计划(2011AA100705),2011.1-2013.12250

3)        863计划(2012AA041507-04),2012.1-2014.1250

4)        科技支撑计划(2013BAD19B02),2013.1-2015.12145


1.   PCT patent & US. patent  Remote measurement system and method for pesticide fog distribution and drifting tendency in aerical pesticide application,  PCT/CN2011/080743&US 20140191130A1
2.    PCT patent A method and system for fast measurement of nitrogen distribution on soil surface, PCT/CN2013/070978
3.    发明         猪只群体体温分布监测系统及方法     ZL 201110107955.3
4.    发明         水中沉积物检测系统及方法         ZL201110108623.7
5.    发明         禽舍硫化氢气体浓度检测方法     ZL 201110209434.9
6.    发明         水中亚硝酸盐含量检测系统及方法     ZL201110209428.3
7.    发明         航空施药中药雾分布与飘移趋势遥测系统及方法     ZL 201110209409.0
8.    发明         农田土壤氮素在线检测系统及方法     ZL201110431588.2
9.    发明         畜舍恶臭气体监测系统及方法     201110431587.8
10.   发明         大面积小麦冠层平均温度监测系统及方法         201110431586.3
11.   发明         分布反馈激光器驱动调制装置及痕量气体检测系统         201110452468.0
12.   发明         基于荧光淬灭传感器的检测的温度效应补偿装置及方法         ZL201110453906.5
13.   实用新型         基于极谱电极的溶解氧监测系统         ZL 201220159579.2
14.   实用新型         归一化植被指数主动式光学探测系统         ZL 201220159654.5
15.   实用新型         梨果糖分的无损检测装置     ZL 201220159701.6
16.   实用新型         无线溶解氧测量装置     ZL 201220159702.0
17.   实用新型         热红外测温信号处理系统     ZL 201220181581.X
18.   实用新型         作物根系土壤水分的荧光测定装置     ZL 201220181583.9
19.   发明         一种土壤表面氮元素分布的快速测量方法和系统     ZL201210558686.7
20.   发明         一种葡萄成熟度的检测装置及其应用         201210556626.1
21.   实用新型         一种溶解氧浓度检测装置     ZL 201220727094.9
22.   实用新型         一种可调温便携保存容器     ZL 201220711316.8
23.   发明         一种基于介电频谱的小型西瓜成熟度检测方法         201310187542.X
24.   发明         畜舍内甲烷分布的测量系统及测量方法     201310512690.4
25.   发明         土壤有机质含量的测量系统及测量方法     201310512689.1
26.   发明         一种水面油膜的热红外成像测量系统和方法     201410834173.3
27.   发明         一种用于水中氯元素的实时测量装置及方法     201410822510.7
28.   发明         一种用于黄曲霉素的检测装置     201410828219.0
29.   发明         一种水体浑浊度检测装置     201410830045.1
30.   发明         水果腐败区域的热红外图像提取系统及方法     201410828205.9
31.   发明         一种提高热红外成像测温精度的装置及方法     201410827393.3
32.   发明         一种土壤中砷含量的实时测量装置及方法         201410827315.3
33.   实用新型         用于调谐二极管吸收光谱的多通道高速数据采集和实时信号处理系统 201520135428.7       
34.   实用新型         一种水体盐度检测装置         201420852431.6
35.   实用新型         一种水质检测的干扰补偿装置     201420850277.9
36.   发明         一种原子与分子光谱的同步测量方法  201510104941.4     
37.   发明         激光诱导击穿光谱的分析系统及方法 201510073090.1


damingdong AT hotmail.com