
徐谊 副高级 (yi_xu@guet.edu.cn)    




徐谊,男,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。2019年9月博士毕业于Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD),导师Lay-Kee Ang教授 (IEEE Fellow;  IOP Fellow; IEEE NPSS Distinguished Lecturer)和Wu Lin副教授(SUTD; IHPC, A*STAR);2020年1月至2021年12月在北京大学物理学院现代光学研究所从事博士后研究工作,合作导师肖云峰教授(杰青);2021年12月加入沙巴足球(中国)股份有限公司官网光电工程学院。近年来,作为项目负责人,主持了1项中国博士后科学基金面上项目和1项国家自然科学基金青年基金项目。以第一作者或通讯作者在Physical Review A/Applied, Advanced Optical Materials, Optics Express, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Journal of Lightwave Technology等国际主流学术期刊发表多篇学术论文,Google学术引用565次(截止2022.10.24)。




2015. 09--2019. 09    Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD),博士

2019. 10--2019. 12    北京大学物理学院,访问交流

2019. 08--2019. 09    浙江大学信息与电子工程学院,访问交流

2019. 01--2019. 06    中国科学院大学温州研究院,访问交流


2021. 12--                   沙巴足球(中国)股份有限公司官网光电工程学院,副研究员
2020. 01--2021. 12     北京大学物理学院,博士后
2014. 08--2015. 09     Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD),Research Assistant



OSA: Optics Letters, Optics Express, Photonics Research, Optical Materials Express, Journal of the Optical Society of America A/B, Applied Optics, Optics Continuum

Springer Nature: Light: Science & Applications, Nano-Micro Letters, Applied Physics B

APS: Physical Review A/B/Research

AIP: Journal of Applied Physics

IEEE: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics

Wiley: Advanced Optics Materials, Physica Status Solidi (A)

IOP: 2D Materials, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Nanotechnology, Journal of Optics, Chinese Physics B, Materials Research Express, Physica Scripta

Elsevier: Solar Energy, Optik, Optics Communications, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 

RSC: New Journal of Chemistry

ACS: The Journal of Physical Chemistry,

Taylor & Francis: Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry

MDPI: Biosensors, Sensors, Photonics, Materials, Fibers, Optics, Crystals, Applied Sciences

Others: Canadian Journal of Physics


Coatings: Special Issue "Enhanced Thin-Film Application on Sensors", Guest Editors: Dr. Heming Wei, Dr. Yanming Sun, Dr. Yi Xu





博士生:杨卫芳 (2020级,导师:张文涛 教授)

硕士生:邵杰 (2022级,导师:韩家广 教授)



22. J. Hou, Y. Xu, S. Sun, X. Zhong, C.-T.Yang, and X. Zhou, “Gold nanoparticles-decorated M13 phage SPR probe for dual detection of antigen biomarkers in serum”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 374, 132811 (2023).


21. Y. Xu and W. J. Liu, “Fano resonance and slow-to-fast light conversion in a Laguerre-Gaussian rovibrational cavity”, Journal of Lightwave Technology (2022). DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2022.3193061

20.  H. Wang, Y. He, J. Zhang, and Y. Xu, “Highly sensitive refractive index sensor based on the lossy mode resonance enhanced photonic spin Hall effect”, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 39, 2992-2997 (2022).

19. Y. Ge, F. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. Xu, Y. Ye, Y. Cai, Q. Zhang, S. Cai, D. Jiang, X. Liu, B. Liedberg, J. Mao*, Y. Wang*, “Atomically thin TaSe2 film as a high-performance substrate for surface-enhanced raman scattering”, Small 18, 2107027 (2022).


18. J. Zhang, B. Jiang, Y. B. Song, and Y. Xu, “Surface Phonon Resonance enhanced Goos-Hänchen shift and its sensing application in the mid-infrared region”, Optics Express 29, 32973 (2021).

17. Y. Xu, L. Wu, and L. K. Ang, “Ultrasensitive optical temperature transducers based on surface plasmon resonance enhanced composited Goos-Hänchen and Imbert-Fedorov shifts”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 27, 4601508 (2021).

16. Y. Xu, J. Y. Liu, W. J. Liu, and Y. F. Xiao, “Nonreciprocal phonon laser in a spinning microwave magnomechanical system”, Physical Review A 103, 053501 (2021). (Editors’ Suggestion)

15. T. Q. Xie, Y. He, Y. F. Yang, H. F Zhang, and Y. Xu, “Highly sensitive surface plasmon resonance sensor based on graphene-coated U-shaped fiber”, Plasmonics 16, 205 (2021).

14. D. Roy, Y. Xu, R. Rajendra, L. Wu, P. Bai, and N. Ballav, “Gold Nanoearbuds: Seed- Mediated Synthesis and the Emergence of Three Plasmonic Peaks”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, 3211 (2020).

13. Y. Xu, L. Wu, and L. K. Ang, “Surface exciton polaritons: a promising mechanism for sensing applications”, Physical Review Applied 12, 024029 (2019).

12. Y. Xu, P. Bai, X. Zhou, Y. Akimov, C. E. Png, L. K. Ang, W. Knoll, and L. Wu, “Optical refractive index sensors with plasmonic and photonic structures: promising and inconvenient truth”, Advanced Optical Materials 7, 1801433 (2019). (Highly Cited Papers)

11. Y. Xu, Y. S. Ang, L. Wu, and L. K. Ang, “High sensitivity surface plasmon resonance sensor based on two-dimensional MXene and transition metal dichalcogenide: a theoretical study”, Nanomaterials 9, 165 (2019).

10. C. T. Yang#, Y. Xu#, M. Pourhassan-Moghaddam, D. P. Tran, L. Wu, X. Zhou, and B. Thierry, “Surface Plasmon Enhanced Light Scattering Biosensing: Size Dependence on the Gold Nanoparticle Tag”, Sensors 19, 323 (2019).

9. Y. Xu, C. Y. Hsieh, L. Wu, and L. K. Ang, “Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides mediated long range surface plasmon resonance biosensors”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52, 065101 (2019).

8. Y. Xu, L. Wu, and L. K. Ang, “MoS2-based Highly Sensitive Near-infrared Surface Plasmon Resonance Refractive index Sensor”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 25, 4600307 (2019).

7. Y. Xu and L. K. Ang, “Guided modes in a double-well asymmetric potential of a graphene waveguide”, Electronics 5, 87 (2016).

6. Y. Xu and L. K. Ang, “Guided modes in a triple-well graphene waveguide: analogy of five-layer optical waveguide”, Journal of Optics 17, 035005 (2015).

5. Y. Xu, Y. He, Y. Yang, and H. Zhang, “Electronic band gaps and transport in Cantor graphene superlattices”, Superlattices and Microstructures 80, 63-71 (2015).

4. Y. Xu, Y. He, and Y. Yang, “Transmission gaps in graphene superlattices with periodic potential patterns”, Physica B: Condensed Matter 457, 188-193 (2015).

3. Y. Xu, Y. He, and Y. Yang, “Resonant peak splitting in graphene superlattices with one- dimensional periodic potentials”, Applied Physics A (Rapid Communication) 115, 721-729 (2014).

2. Y. He, Y. Xu, Y. Yang, and W. Huang, “Guided modes in asymmetric graphene waveguides”, Applied Physics A 115, 895-902 (2014).

1. Y. Xu, Y. He, Y. Yang, “Guide modes in three-dimensional topological insulator waveguide induced by magnetic fields”, Acta Photonica Sinica 42, 564-569 (2013).


1.  国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 项目编号:62205078,项目起止时间:2023.1-2025.12,主持,在研。

2.  中国博士后科学基金面上项目,项目编号:2021M690235,主持,已结题。



如有兴趣,请发送邮件到我的邮箱: yi_xu@guet.edu.cn