
苗蕾 正高级 (miaolei@guet.edu.cn)    





从事新能源材料中的热电转换、太阳能光热转换和气凝胶材料的创新合成及其在可再生能源和节能领域的应用研究。发表SCI论文220余篇,他引5000余次,H 因子 45。代表性研究发表在材料及能源类Energy Environ. Sci., Adv. Energy. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Nano Energy等国际学术期刊,国际会议特邀报告46次。应邀参编中、英、日文著作5部,2019年出版“新型太阳能光热蒸汽材料的制备及系统应用”学术专著1部。获得2003年日本“开拓创新-先端技术”大奖;2011年中日陶瓷学会科技交流奖; 2012年广东省科学技术进步奖三等奖;2013年广州市优秀女科技工作者;2015年第十三届广西青年科技奖;2017年广西科学技术二等奖;2018年全国三八红旗手等荣誉和奖励。2017-2019年获广西高等教育自治区级教学成果二等奖3项; 近五年来承担国内外各类科研项目多项,包括主持国家自然科学基金区域联合基金重点项目、国家科技部重点研发计划,863项目,广西科技厅创新团队,中国科学院国际合作重点及省部产学研重点项目等。申请发明专利60件,授权35件,转化2件。


2002/4 - 2004/3 日本名古屋工业大学  都市循环工学专攻 研究生/博士

2000/4 - 2002/3 日本名古屋工业大学  都市循环工学专攻 研究生/硕士

1991/9 - 1995/7 陕西科技大学 (元西北轻工业学院)无机非金属材料学院



2015/3-至今       沙巴足球(中国)股份有限公司官网  材料科学与工程学院  二级教授

2007/12-2015/2    中国科学院“百人计划”,广州能源研究所热电转换材料与器件团队负责人  三级研究员

2007/4 - 2007/11  日本精细陶瓷研究中心,材料科学研究所,副主任研究员

2004/4 - 2007/3   日本名古屋工业大学,COE环境调和陶瓷研究所,副教授

1995/7 - 2000/3   陕西科技大学,无机非金属材料,助教





1. Lei Miao ,Xu Gang,

Present Status of Optically Selective Absorbing Coatings for Solar Collector

2nd Renewable Energy Workshop between China and Thailand,

2009-12-15, Ramada Hotel Guangzhou, China (邀请报告)

2. Lei Miao,

“Research and Development for Utilizing Solar Energy in China ”,

Hitachi Chemical Technical Seminar, Shanghai, 11 Nov. 2010, China. (邀请报告)

3. Lei Miao, Li Fen Su, Sakae Tanemura

“Super Thermal Insulating Oxide Cryogels Prepared by Vacuum Freeze Drying”,

3rd International Conference on Ceramics, 14-18 Nov, 2010, Osaka, Japan. (邀请报告)

4. L. Miao, R. Huang, K.Yoshida, C.Y.Liu, C.M.Huang, G. Xu, C. Fisher & S. Tanemura

“Giant p-Type Seebeck Coefficient Newly Found in Protonated- Titanate-Nanotubes”,

27thInternational Korea-Japan Seminar,Nano-materials-I-02, Nov.24, 2010, Incheon, Korea(邀请报告)

5. Lei Miao,

“Solar Thermal Power Generation Technology and Solar Selective Absorbing Coatings”,

4th International Workshop on Advanced Ceramics (IWAC04), Nagoya, 10th to 12th, Dec.2010. (邀请报告)

6. Lili Zhao,  Lei Miao, Sakae Tanemura, Jianhua Zhou, Lihua Chen, Xiudi Xiao, & Gang Xu , “A Low Cost Preparation of VO2 Thin Films with Excellent Thermochromic Properties from a Solution-Based Process” Invited speech, International Conference on NANO-Structures Self-Assembling,2012, Sardinia island26th June, Italy(邀请报告)

7.Lei Miao, Sakae Tanemura, Lili Zhao, Xiudi Xiao, Xiao Ting Zhang, “Spectroscopic ellipsometry analysis of Er doped ZnO thin films”, Invited speech,  International Conference on NANO-Structures Self-Assembling,2012, Sardinia island26th June, Italy(邀请报告)

8. Lei Miao,* Ming Zhang,  Yi Pu Kang, Sakae Tanemura, Craig A. J. Fisher, Gang Xu, “Development of Efficient and Low-cost Solar Thermoelectric Cogenerator”, Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy,2013.7.30, DunHuang, Gansu, China分会主持人,邀请报告人

9. Lei Miao, Lili Zhao,Sakae Tanemura, Jianhua Zhou, Improved Thermochromic Properties of Vanadium Dioxide Thin Films by Efficient and Low-cost Methods for Smart Windows, IUMRS-ICAM2013 International Conferences on Advanced Materials, Qingdao, 22-26 Sept. 2013 China. 邀请报告人

10.Lei Miao, Chengyan Liu, Rong Huang, Craig A. J. Fisher, and Sakae Tanemura

Synthesis, Thermoelectric Properties and Mechanism of Titania-Based Nanostructured Materials, “International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE)” Nov. 16-19, 2014,  Jeju island, Korea Invited

 11. Lei Miao*, Lili Zhao,Chengyan Liu, Sakae Tanemura

“Solution-Processed VO2-SiO2Composite Films with Simultaneously Enhanced Luminous Transmittance, Solar Modulation Ability and Anti-Oxidation property”The 6thSino-Thai Workshop on Renewable Energy Jan.27th-30th, 2015 ,Guangzhou, China. (邀请报告).

 12.Lei Miao, Jianhua Zhou, Chengyan Liu, Xiaoyang Wang, Sakae Tanemura “Highly transprant cryogel- filmed-glass with enchanced thermal insulting property” (邀请报告),中国材料大会,2015年7月10-14日 贵州贵阳.

13. Lei Miao*, Hengquan Yang

“A Facile Surfactant-assisted Reflux Method for the Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Sb2Te3 Nanostructures with Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance”(邀请报告),2015,10, 第六届海内外中华青年材料科学技术研讨会,重庆.

14. L. Miao, H.Q. Yang, C.Y. Liu, C. Li, R. Huang and S. Tanemura

“A facile surfactant-assisted reflux method for the synthesis of chalcogenide nanostructures with enhanced thermoelectric performance” (邀请报告)The Ninth International Conference on High-performance Ceramics (CICC-9), 4-7 Nov. 2015, Guilin China





1)Robust starch-polyacrylamide hydrogel with scavenging energy harvesting capacity for efficient solar thermoelectricity-freshwater cogeneration, X. Mu, J. Zhou, P.Wang, H. Chen, T. Yang, S. Chen, L. Miao* (通讯作者)and T. Mori*, Energy Environ. Sci., 2022, 15, 3388 – 3399 DOI:10.1039//D2EE01394K. 

2) Synergistic effect of band and nanostructure engineering on the boosted thermoelectric performance of n-type Mg3+δ(Sb,Bi)2 Zintls, Ji-Sheng Liang, Xiao-Lei Shi, Ying Peng, Wei-Di Liu, Heng-Quan Yang, Chengyan Liu, Juan -Liang Chen, Qi Zhoua, Lei Miao*, (通讯作者) Zhi-Gang Chen*, Adv. Energy Mater. 2022, 2201086(1-10). 

3) Constructed Ge quantum dots and Sn precipitate SiGeSn hybrid film with high thermoelectric performance at low temperature region, Ying Peng, Lei Miao*(通讯作者), Chengyan Liu, Haili Song, Masashi Kurosawa, Osamu Nakatsuka, Song Yi Back, Jong Soo Rhyee, Masayuki Murata, Sakae Tanemura, Takahiro Baba, Tetsuya Baba, Takahiro Ishizaki, Takao Mori*, Adv. Energy Mater. 12, (2021) 2103191(1-9). 

4) Enhancing the thermoelectric performance of Ag2Se by non-stoichiometric defects, Ping Wang, Jun-Liang Chen, Qi Zhou, Yun Tiao Liao, Ying Peng*, Ji Sheng Liang, and Lei Miao*(通讯作者), Appl. Phys. Lett. 120 (2022)193902. 

 5) Wearable Thermoelectric Generators: From Devices to Applications, Sijing Zhu, Zheng Fan, Runze Shi, Baoquan Feng, ZeXin, Jiang, Ying Peng, Jie Gao, Lei Miao *(通讯作者), Kunihito Koumoto *, Energies, vol. 15(9), pages 1-27, May 2022. 

 6) Constructing electronic “bridge” via Ag intercalation to regulate catalytic anisotropy for highly efficient two-dimensional SnSe2 cathode catalyst in Lithium-oxygen batteries, Guoliang Zhang, Chengyan Liu, Liang Guo, Ruowei Liu, Lei Miao*,(通讯作者)and Feng Dang*, Adv. Energy Mater, 2022 2200791 (1-12), DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202200791. 

 7) High-performance complementary electrochromic energy storage device based on tungsten trioxide and manganese dioxide films, Lili Zhao, Zuoming Chen, Yuqin Peng, Lilin Yang, Jingting Ai,Jianhua Zhou,Lei Miao*(通讯作者), Sustainable Materials and Technologies 32(2022)e00445. 

8) Highly Efficient and Long-term Stable Solar-driven Water Purification through a Rechargeable Hydrogel Evaporator  ,Jianhua Zhou, Zhiqiang Sun, Xiaojiang Mu, Jiahong Zhang, Pengfei Wang, Yulian Chen, Xiaoyang Wang, Jie Gao, Lei Miao*(通讯作者), Lixian Sun* , Desalination, 537 (2022) 115872.

 9) Carrier and microstructure tuning for improving the thermoelectric properties of Ag8SnSe6 via introducing SnBr2, Zhonghai YU , Xiuxia WANG , Chengyan LIU*, Yiran CHENG , Zhongwei ZHANG , Ruifan SI , Xiaobo BAI , Xiaokai Hu , Jie GAO , Ying PENG , Lei MIAO *(通讯作者), J.Adv.Cera. 11(7) (2022) 1144–1152. 

10) Bifunctional polypyrrole-based conductive paper towards simultaneously efficient solar-driven water evaporation and electrochemical energy storage, Jiahong Zhang#, Pengfei Wang#, Xiaojiang Mu, Yulian Chen, Xiaoyang Wang, Sakae Tanemura Jianhua Zhou*, Lei Miao*(通讯作者) ,Nanoscale , 2022, 14, 6949 – 6958. 

 11) Wearable Thermoelectric Cooler Based on a Two-Layer Hydrogel/Nickel Foam Heatsink with Two-Axis Flexibility, Yong Zhang, Jie Gao, Sijing Zhu, Jiahui Li, Huajun Lai, Ying Peng, and Lei Miao*(通讯作者), ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14, 13 (2022) 15317–15323. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.2c01777 。

12) Sintering pressure as a “scalpel” to enhance the thermoelectric performance of MgAgSb, Yuntiao Liao, Jun-Liang Chen, Chengyan Liu, Jisheng Liang, Qi Zhou, Ping Wang and Lei Miao*(通讯作者), J.Mater Chem C : 2022, 10, 3360-3367. 

13) The excited state properties of layered two-dimensional MSi2N4 (M = Mo, Cr and W) materials from first-principles calculations,Ding, Wangyang; Xue, Zhouhong; Li, Jiayu; Li, Mingyang; Bai, Liang; Zhou, Qi; Zhou, Xin; Peng, Ying*; Miao, Lei*(通讯作者), ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 11 (2022), 016001. 

14) Recent progress of carbon-based electrocatalytic materials in Lithium-based Batteries,Pengfei Wang, Jiahong Zhang, Peng Ying, Xiulan Hu, Lei Miao*(通讯作者), Takahiro Ishizaki*. Sustainable Materials and Technologies Volume 32, July 2022, e00384 2022. 

 15) High Thermoelectric Performance Achieved in Sb-doped GeTe by Manipulating Carrier Concentration and Nanoscale Twin Grains,Chao Li *, Haili Song *, Zongbei Dai, Zhenbo Zhao, Chengyan Liu, Hengquan Yang *, Chengqiang Cui *, Lei Miao *(通讯作者), Materials 2022, 15, 406. 16) Ultra-low thermal conductivity in B2O3 composited SiGe bulk with enhanced thermoelectric performance at medium temperature region, Jian Nong, Ying Peng, Chengyan Liu, Jin Bo Shen, Qing Liao, Yi Ling Chiew,Yoshifumi Oshima, Fu Cong Li, Zhong Wei Zhang and Lei Miao*(通讯作者), J. Mater Chem A 10, 2022,4120 – 4130. 

17) Simultaneous Realization of Flexibility and Ultrahigh Normalized Power Density in a Heatsink-Free Thermoelectric Generator via Fine Thermal Regulation, Sijing Zhu, Ying Peng, Jie Gao, Lei Miao*(通讯作者), Huajun Lai, Chengyan Liu, Junhao Zhang, Yong Zhang, Shun Zhou, Kunihito Koumoto, and Tiejun Zhu*. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 1, 1045–1055. 

18) Strategy of Extra Zr Doping on the Enhancement of Thermoelectric Performance for TiZrxNiSn Synthesized by a Modified Solid-State Reaction, Chen, Jun-Liang; Yang, Hengquan; Liu, Chengyan; Liang, Jisheng; Miao, Lei*(通讯作者); Zhang, Zhongwei; Liu, Pengfei; Yoshida, Kenta; Chen, Chen; Zhang, Qian; Zhou, Qi; Liao, Yuntiao; Wang, Ping; Li, Zhixia; Peng, Biaolin,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 48801-48809. 19) Manipulating the solubility of SnSe in SnTe by Br doping for improving thermoelectric performance, Zhongwei ZHANG, Wenjing XU, Chengyan LIU, Hengquan YANG, Jie GAO, Chen CHEN, Zhang QIAN, Jing LIU, Xiaobo BAI, Ying PENG, Lei MIAO(通讯作者), ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 4, 11 (2021)13027-13035.

 20) Reinforcement of power factor in N-type multiphase thin film of Si1-x-yGexSny by mitigating the opposing behavior of Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity,Huajun Lai, Ying Peng, Jie Gao, Haili Song, Masashi Kurosawa, Osamu Nakatsuka, Tsunehiro Takeuchi, and Lei Miao*(通讯作者), Appl Phys. Lett. 119, 113903 (2021). 

21) Enhanced Activity for Catalytic Combustion of Ethylene by the Pt Nanoparticles Confined in TiO2 Nanotube with Surface Oxygen Vacancy, Xiaoyang Wang, Mengjie Lian, Xu Yang, Peng Lu*, Jianhua Zhou, Jie Gao, Chengyan Liu, Wenping Liu, Lei Miao*(通讯作者), Ceramics International 26 Oct. 2021 48 (2022) 3933–3940.

 22) Chao Li, Haili Song, Yan Cheng, Ruijuan Qi, Rong Huang,* Chengqiang Cui,* Yifeng Wang, Yu Zhang,* and Lei Miao*(通讯作者), Highly Suppressed Thermal Conductivity in Diamond-like Cu2SnS3 by Dense Dislocation, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 4,9 2021 8728-8733. 

23) Optimized Electronic Bands and Ultra-Low Lattice Thermal Conductivity in Ag and Y Codoped SnTe, Wenjing Xu, Hengquan Yang, Chengyan Liu,* Zhongwei Zhang, Chunguang Chen, Zhenyuan Ye, Zhao Lu, Xiaoyang Wang, Jie, Gao, Junliang Chen, Zhengchuan Xie, Lei Miao* (通讯作者), ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 13, 32876–32885. 

 24) Reduced Red Mud as the Solar Absorber for Solar-Driven Water Evaporation and VaporElectricity Generation, Pengfei Wang, Xiaoyang Wang, Siyi Chen, Jiahong Zhang, Xiaojiang Mu, Yulian Chen, Zhiqiang Sun, Anyun Wei, Yongzhi Tian, Jianhua Zhou, Xiaoxin Liang, Lei Miao(通讯作者), Nagahiro Saito, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021,13, 30556−305641. 

25) Lifen Su, Yuying Ning, Ziqiang Ma, Yuhao Zhang, Chuanlei Liu, Youli Zhang, Lei Miao(通讯作者), Jianhua Zhou, Bin Wu, Jiasheng Qian,Polypyrrole-reinforced N,S-doping graphene foam for Efficient Solar purification of wastewater, Solar RRL,5(7)(2021)2100210. 

26) Substantial thermoelectric enhancement achieved by manipulating the band structure and dislocations in Ag and La co-doped SnTe, Wenjing XU, Zhongwei ZHANG, Chengyan LIU, Jie GAO, Zhenyuan YE, Chunguang CHEN, Ying PENG, Xiaobo BAI, Lei MIAO *(通讯作者), J.Adv. Cera. 10 (3) (2021). 

27) Versatile PVA/CS/CuO aerogel with superior hydrophilic andmechanical properties towards efficient solar steam generation, Yongzhi Tian, Xiaoyang Wang, Yufei Gu, Xiaojiang Mu, Pengfei Wang, Anyun Wei, Jiahong Zhang, Yulian Chen, Zhiqiang Sun, Jianhua Zhou*, Lei Miao(通讯作者)Nano select, 2021;2:2380–2389. 

 28) Multifunctional Hydrothermal-Carbonized Sugarcane for Highly Efficient Direct Solar Steam Generation,Anyun Wei, Kewen Cui, Pengfei Wang, Yufei Gu, Xiaoyang Wang, Xiaojiang Mu, Yongzhi Tian, Jianhua Zhou,* Zhiqiang Sun, Yulian Chen, Jiahong Zhang, Jing Liu,and Lei Miao*(通讯作者), Solar RRL 2021, 2000782 (1-9) DOI: 10.1002/solr.202000782. 

29) Low-temperature-poling awakened high dielectric breakdown strength and outstanding improvement of discharge energy density of (Pb,La)(Zr,Sn,Ti)O3 relaxor thin film Biaolin Peng , Silin Tang , Li Lu , Qi Zhang , Haitao Huang , Gang Bai, Lei Miao , Bingsuo Zou, Laijun Liu* , Wenhong Sun *, Zhong Lin Wang *, Nano Energy, 77,105132 2020. 

30) No external load measurement strategy for micro thermoelectric generator based on high-performance Si1−x−yGexSny film, Ying Peng, Sijing Zhu, Huajun Lai, Jie Gao, Masashi Kurosawa, Osamu Nakatsuka, Sakae Tanemura Biaolin Peng, and Lei Miao,* (通讯作者), J. Materiomics 7 (2021) 665-671.

 31) Self-Cleaning Integrative Aerogel for Stable Solar-Assisted Desalination, Yufei Gu, Xiaojiang Mu, Pengfei Wang, Xiaoyang Wang, Jing Liu, Jiaqi Shi, Anyun Wei, Yongzhi Tian, Jianhua Zhou,* Lei Miao* (通讯作者), Global Challenges, 2020, 2000063 (1-7). 

32) Integrated Photothermal Aerogels with Ultrahigh-Performance Solar Steam Generation, Yufei Gu, Xiaojiang Mu, Pengfei Wang, Xiaoyang Wang, Jing Liu, Jiaqi Shi, Anyun Wei,Yongzhi Tian, Guisheng Zhu, Huarui Xu, Jianhua Zhou,* Lei Miao*,(通讯作者), Nano Energy 74 (2020) 104857. 

33) Realizing High Thermoelectric Performance in p-type Si1-x-yGexSny thin films at Ambient Temperature by Sn Modulation-Doping,Ying Peng, Huajun Lai, Chengyan Liu, Jie Gao, Masashi Kurosawa, Osamu Nakatsuka, Tsunehiro Takeuchi, Shigeaki Zaima, Sakae Tanemura and Lei Miao, (通讯作者)Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 053903 (2020). 

34) Strategies for breaking theoretical evaporation limitation in direct solar steam generation, Xiaojiang Mu, Yufei Gu, Pengfei Wang, Anyun Wei, Yongzhi Tian, JianHua Zhou*, Yulian Chen, Jiahong Zhang, Zhiqiang Sun, Jing Liu, Lixian Sun, Sakae Tanemura, Lei Miao*,(通讯作者)Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 220 (2021) 110842. 

35) Energy matching for boosting water evaporation in direct solar steam generation, Xiaojiang Mu, Yufei Gu, Pengfei Wang, Jiaqi Shi, Anyuan Wei, Yongzhi Tian, Jianhua Zhou*, Yulian Chen, Jiahong Zhang, Zhiqiang Sun, Lei Miao*, (通讯作者)Solar rrl 4, (2020)2000341. 

36) Silicon‐based low-dimensional materials for Thermal Conductivity Suppression: Recent Advances and New Strategies to High Thermoelectric Efficiency, Huajun Lai, Ying Peng, Jie Gao, Masashi Kurosawa, Osamu Nakatsuka, Tsunehiro Takeuchi and Lei Miao*, (通讯作者)J. Jpn. Appl. Phys. 60, SA0803 (2021).

 37) Realizing a High ZT of 1.6 in N-Type Mg3Sb2-Based Zintl Compounds through Mn and Se Codoping, Jisheng Liang,Hengquan Yang, Chengyan Liu, Lei Miao*,Junliang Chen, Sijing Zhu, Zhengchuan Xie, Wenjing Xu, Xiaoyang Wang, Jun Wang, Biaolin Peng and Kunihito Koumoto, (通讯作者) ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020。

  38) Boosting High Thermoelectric Performance of Ni-Doped Cu1.9S by Significantly Reducing Thermal Conductivity, Feihong Shen, Yanyan Zheng, Lei Miao,* Chengyan Liu, Jie Gao, Xiaoyang Wang, Pengfei Liu,Kenta Yoshida, and Huanfu Cai, (通讯作者)ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Volume 12, issue 7 (2020) 8385-8391. https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsami.9b18078 。

39) Concave-hollow-structured Copper Sulfide with Low Emissivity for Highly Efficient Solar Steam Generation, Lifen Su, Yiqiong Hu, Ziqiang Ma, Lei Miao*, Jianhua Zhou, Yuying Ning, Bin Wu, Ru Xia, Jiasheng Qian, (通讯作者)Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 210 (2020) 110484. 

40) Characterisation of the temperature-dependent M1 to R phase transition in W-doped VO2 nanorod aggregates by Rietveld refinement and theoretical modelling, Lei Miao*, Ying Peng, Dianhui Wang, Jisheng Liang, Chaohao Hu, Eiji Nishibori, Lixian Sun, Craig A. J. Fisher and Sakae Tanemura*, (第1作者)Phys Chem Chem Phys. 22 (2020) 7984-7994. DOI: 10.1039/d0cp01058h. 

41) Record Thermoelectric Performance Achieved by Compositional and Length Optimization in Flexible Silver Selenide Films, Jie Gao, Lei Miao, Huajun Lai, Sijing Zhu, Ying Peng, Xiaoyang Wang, Kunihito Koumoto, (通讯作者)IScience 23 100753 Jan 24 2020 。

42) Enhancement of thermoelectric performance of layered SnSe2 by synergistic modulation of carrier concentration and suppression of lattice thermal conductivity, Shaohai Wu, Hengquan Yang, Zhengsen Wu, Chengyan Liu, Lei Miao*, Jie Gao, XiaoyangWang, Xiuxia Wang, Chengjin Shen, Jacques G. Noudem, (責任著者)ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2, 12, 8481-8490. 

43) Synergistically optimizing the thermoelectric properties of polycrystalline Ag8SnSe6 by introducing additional Sn, Xiuxia Wang, Chengyan Liu, * Junliang Chen, Lei Miao, * Shaohai Wu, Xiaoyang Wang, Zhengchuan Xie, Wenjing Xu, Qiufeng Chen,(通讯作者)Cryst Eng Comm 22 (2020) 248. 

44) Development and Evolution of the System Structure for Highly Efficient Solar Steam Generation from 0 to 3 Dimensions,Jianhua Zhou, YuFei Gu, Pengfei Liu, Pengfei Wang, Lei Miao,* Jing Liu, Anyun Wei,Xiaojiang Mu, Jinlei Li, Jia Zhu*(通讯作者)Adv. Func. Mater. 1903255 (1-20), 2019 doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201903255 

45) Realizing High Thermoelectric Performance at Ambient Temperature by Ternary Alloying in Polycrystalline Si1-x-yGexSnyThin Films with Boron Ion Implantation,Ying Peng, Lei Miao*, Jie Gao, Chengyan Liu, Masashi Kurosawa, Osamu Nakatsuka, and Shigeaki Zaima(通讯作者)Sci. Rep. (2019) 9:14342. 

46) SnSe基热电材料的最新研究进展,陈秋凤,王秀霞,吴正森,刘呈燕,苗蕾*,沈呈金,谢正川,徐文静,伍少海(通讯作者)稀有金属 44,12 (2020)1316-1324. 

47) Sn vacancy engineering for enhancingthe thermoelectric performance of two-dimensional SnS, Heng Quan Yang, Xiao Yang Wang, Hong Wu, Bin Zhang, Dan Dan Xie, Yong Jin Chen, Xu Lu, Xiao Dong Han, Lei Miao * and Xiao Yuan Zhou, (通讯作者)J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019,7, 3351. 48) Research Progress of Emerging Solar-Driven Steam Generation System and Photothermal Materials, MIAO Lei*, DENG Zi-Yang, ZHOU Jian-Hua, LIU Peng-Fei (第1作者)Advanced Ceramics Vol 40 4 (2019). 

 49) Co3O4 nanoforest/Ni foam as the interface heating sheet for the efficient solar-driven water evaporation under one sun, Pengfei Wang, Yufei Gu, Lei Miao*, Jianhua Zhou, Hui Su, Anyun Wei, Xiaojiang Mu, Yongzhi Tian,Jiaqi Shi, Huanfu Cai,(通讯作者)Sustainable Materials and Technologies vol 17 pp e00106, 2019. 

50) A Hybrid Hydrogel with Protonated g-C3N4 and Graphene Oxide as an Efficient Absorber for Solar Steam Evaporation Hui Su, Jianhua Zhou, Lei Miao*, Pengfei Liu, Ziyang Deng, Lanhui Huang,Zi Jun Deng, Si Yi Chen, (通讯作者)Sustainable Materials and Technologies vol 17 pp e00106, 2109. 

51) Dynamic Ag+-intercalation with AgSnSe2 nanoprecipitates in Cl-doped polycrystalline SnSe2 toward ultra-high thermoelectric performance, Chengyan Liu, Zhiwei Huang, Dianhui Wang, Xiuxia Wang, Lei Miao*, Xiaoyang Wang, Shaohai Wu, Nozomu Toyam Toru Asaka, Junliang Chen,Eiji Nishibori and Li-Dong Zhao(通讯作者)J. Mater. Chem. A, vol 7 pp 9761, 2019. 

52) Extraordinary Thermoelectric Performance in MgAgSb Alloy with Ultralow Thermal Conductivity, Yanyan Zheng, Lei Miao*, Chengyan Liu, Chao Li, Rong Huang, Jie Gao, Xiaoyang Wang, Junliang Chen, Yanchun Zhou, Eiji Nishibori(通讯作者), Nano. Energy vol 59 pp 311-320, 2019. 53) Bi2O3 decorated TiO2 nanotube confined Pt nanoparticles with enhanced activity for catalytic combustion of ethylene, Xiaoyang Wang, Xu Yan , Lei Miao*,Jie Gao , Quanming Peng , Liangpeng Wu , Siyi Chen, Xinjun Li(通讯作者)J. Mater Sci. vol 54, pp 4637–4646,2019. 

54) The dispersion of Au nanorods decorated on GO nanosheets for solar steam generation, Jianhua Zhou,Yufei Gu, Ziyang Deng, Lei Miao*, Hui Su, Pengfei Wang, Jiaqi Shi (通讯作者)Sustainable Materials and Technologies vol 17 pp e00090, 2018. 

55) Architectural Nanostructure for Realizing High Thermoelectric Performance in Te-Sb2Te3 System via Synergically Enhancing Power Factor and Suppressing the Lattice Thermal Conductivity, Heng Quan Yang, Yong Jin Chen, Xiao Yang Wang, Ding Feng Yang, Lei Miao*, Xian Long Cao,Xiao Dong Han, Xu Lu,Guo Yu Wang, Xiao Yuan Zhou(通讯作者) Cryst. Eng. Comm. Vol 20 pp 7729, 2018. 

56) Flame-treated and fast-assembled foam system for direct solar steam generation and non-plugging high salinity desalination with self-cleaning effect, Peng-Fei Liu, Lei Miao*, Ziyang Deng, Jianhua Zhou, Yufei Gu, Siyi Chen,Huanfu Cai ,Lixian Sun, Sakae Tanemura(通讯作者)Appl. Energy vol 241 pp 652-659, 2019. 

57) Extremely high water-production created by an ink-stained PVA evaporator with embossment structure , Ziyang Deng, Lei Miao*, Pengfei Liu, Jianhua Zhou, Pengfei Wang, Xiaoyang Wang, Lixian Sun, and Sakae Tanemura(通讯作者)Nano Energy vol 55 pp 368–376, 2019. 

58) Realizing tremendous electrical transport properties of polycrystalline SnSe2 by Cl-doped and anisotropy, Shaohai Wu, Chengyan Liu, Zhengsen Wu, Lei Miao, Jie Gao, Xiaokai Hu, Junliang Chen, Yanyan Zheng, Xiuxia Wang, Chengjin Shen, Hengquan Yang, Xiaoyuan Zhou (通讯作者)Ceramics International. 45 (2019) 82-89. 

59) A mimetic transpiration system for record high conversion efficiency in solar steam generator under one-sun Materials, Pengfei Liu, Lei Miao*, Ziyang Deng, Jianhua Zhou, Hui Su,Lixian Sun, Sakae Tanemura , Xiaoyang Wang , Wenjiong Cao, Fangming Jiang (通讯作者)Materials Today Energy .vol.8 , pp166-173, 2018. 

60) Improved thermoelectric performance achieved by regulating heterogeneous phase in Half-Heusler TiNiSn-based materials, Junliang Chen, Chengyan Liu, Jie Gao, Lei Miao*, Xiaoyang Wang, Jiacai Lu, Mingzheng Shu (通讯作者)J. Electron. Mater. vol.47(6), pp3248-3253, 2018. 

61) A novel glass-fiber-aided cold-press method for fabrication of n-type Ag2Te nanowires thermoelectric film on flexible copy-paper substrate , Jie Gao, Chengyan Liu, Lei Miao*, Xiaoyang Wang, Ying Peng, Xingyu Wei, Jianhua Zhou, Ryo Hashimoto, Toru Asaka, Kunihito Koumoto, (通讯作者)J. Mater. Chem. A., vol.5, pp24740, 2017. 

62) Thermoelectric Property of B-Doped Si/Ge Multilayered Quantum Dot Films Prepared By RF Magnetron Sputtering,Ying Peng, Lei Miao*, Chao Li, Rong Huang , Toru Asaka Osamu Nakatsuka and Sakae Tanemura(通讯作者)J.Jpn. Appl.Phys. vol.57 ,pp01AF03,2018. 

63) Record high thermoelectric performance in bulk SrTiO3 via nano-scale modulation doping,Jun Wang, Bo-Yu Zhang, Hui-Jun Kang, Yan Li, Xinba Yaer, Jing-Feng Li, Qing Tan, Shuai Zhang, Guo-Hua Fan, Cheng-Yan Liu, Lei Miao*, Ding Nan, Tong-Min Wang, Li-Dong Zhao,Nano Energy. vol.35, pp387–395, 2017. 

64) The emergence of solar thermal utilization: solar-driven steam generation,Ziyang Deng, Jianhua Zhou, Lei Miao*, Chengyan Liu, Ying Peng, Lixian Sun,Sakae Tanemura, (通讯作者)J. Mater. Chem. A. vol.5, pp7619, 2017. DOI: 10.1039/C7TA01361B.

65) Morphology Control of Ag Polyhedron Nanoparticles for Cost-effective and Fast Solar Steam Generation , Hailong Wang, Lei Miao*, and Sakae Tanemura, (通讯作者)Solar RRL, vol.1, pp1600023(1-15), 2017.DOI: 10.1002/solr.201600023(2017) .


1. 種村 榮*、苗 蕾, 西 俊紀(分担執筆、共著)


[ファイバー”スーパーバイオミメティックス--近未来創造テクノロジー]、本宮達也監修/赤池敏宏、白井汪芳編集、NTS出版、東京、pp 1058-1063 (2006).

2. 種村榮*、苗 蕾 (分担執筆、共著)


[セラミックスデーターベース] 、(柳田博明編)、工業製品協会、東京 pp 37-41 (2006).

3.種村榮*、苗 蕾、田尻耕治,(分担執筆、共著)、アエロゲルと超臨界乾燥(第5章16節)、

[実用乾燥技術集覧(分離技術シリーズ、立元雄治,中村正秋編集、分離技術会、東京、  pp113-123 (2013)、

4.種村榮*、苗 蕾、田尻耕治,(分担執筆、共著)、“超臨界乾燥による無機酸化物エアロゲル材料(第5章17節)”、[同上]、pp124-132(2013)。

5.[オンサイトエネルギー-エネルギーハーベスティングの要素技術と新展開] 第4 章: ナノ構造無機薄膜によるフレキシブル熱電発電素子, 苗 蕾,高 杰,河本邦仁, 発行日: 2022年4月28日, 体裁: B5判、287頁,ISBN: 978-4-7813-1664-2。

6.《新型太阳能蒸汽材料的制备与系统应用》     苗蕾   著   中国建材工业出版社  2019年12月第1版   ISBN 978-7-5160-2778-3  7.3万字 

7.新能源材料与器件     苗蕾   主编   中国建材工业出版社   201912月第1   ISBN  9787516027035。

8.  V.V. Troung*, P. Cormier,S.Tanemura*, Lei Miao (分担執筆、共著)
Optical properties of thin films (Ch.13) Optical properties of matterials and applications (2nd and extended Edition), Jai Singh (Ed), Wiley, London, (2019) ISBN: 978-1-119-50631-7 Dec. 2019


1.国家自然科学基金 区域联合基金重点项目,基于界面原子及电子结构调控的柔性热电薄膜与器件, 2022-2025 。

2.科技部重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项“LNG 冷能及燃气余热能高效回收热电发电器的研发”项目(任务书编号:2017YFE0198000)2019-2022.

3.广西科技厅 中央引导地方项目,气凝胶嵌硅高容量复合负极材料的开发及其在锂离子电池中的应用研究 2021-2023 桂科ZY21195037。






9.广东省国际合作重点项目, 新型电光节能贴膜的制备及其在建筑上的应用, 2014/09-2016/08。


11. 科技部国际合作,2010DFA61410促进二氧化碳低排放的先进热电/光电复合新能源技术研究, 2010/01-2012/12。


1.苗蕾,种村荣,黄荣,吉田健太,“一种高品质因子低维氧化物纳米热电新材料的合成”,发明专利, 专利号: ZL 2009 1 0037591.9.授权公告日:2012年3月28日。

2. 苗蕾,苏丽芬,种村荣,徐刚,陈丽华, “一种真空冷冻干燥法制备大比表面积纳米多孔材料的方法”, 发明专利, 专利授权号:ZL200910037592.3.


3. 苗蕾,种村荣, 徐刚,朱艳青, “热电转换型太阳能热发电系统”,发明专利,专利授权号:ZL2010101049322. 授权公告日:2012年3月28日。

4.苗蕾,种村荣, 徐刚,朱艳青,“热电转换型太阳能热发电系统”,实用新型,申请号:201020107161.8,授权号码:ZL2010 2 0107161.8.

5. 苗蕾,种村荣, 徐刚,朱艳青,“热电转换型太阳能热发电系统”,国际专利申请号:PCT/CN 2010/071343

6. 苗蕾,种村荣,苏丽芬,徐刚,“一种制备夹层冻干胶绝热玻璃的方法”,

发明专利, 专利授权号:ZL2010101094864,授权日:2012年3月28日,证书号码:925505。


8.苗蕾,张明,种村荣,徐刚,一种太阳能热复合发电系统,实用新型,申请号:201120218745.7.授权号:ZL2011 2 0218745.7.证书号2076446,授权日:2012.1.18.

9. 苗蕾, 种村荣,张明,徐刚,一种太阳能热电气三供系及方法统,发明专利号:ZL201110173931.8,证书号:1199243,授权日:2013.5.22。


11. 苗蕾、陈如、程浩亮、徐刚,一种铝重掺杂氧化锌纳米粉体的制备方法


12. 徐刚,苗蕾,程浩亮,肖秀娣,一种智能控温胶水及贴膜的制备方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201210485468.5. 申请日:2012年11月23日,授权公告日:2014年5月14日,证书号:1404344号。


14.苗蕾,程浩亮,陈如,衣立直己,一种氧化物纳米线型电光薄膜的制备方法,发明专利,申请号:201410339089.4. 授权日;2016年11月1日,授权号:ZL201410339089.4.

15. 苗蕾、杨恒全、刘呈燕、周建华,一种制备高热电性能碲化锑微纳米晶的及其块体材料的方法,发明专利,授权日;2016年8月17日,授权号:ZL201410443345.4.


17. 苗蕾、陈如、周建华、程浩亮、刘呈燕,一种化学计量比调控相变温度型氧化钒粉体的制备方法授权日;2016年8月17日,授权号:ZL201510176784.8.

18.苗蕾,高杰,刘呈燕,王潇漾,彭英、一种N型碲化银纳米线热电材料的柔性化方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201610831800.7 授权公告日:2018.8.3.

19.苗蕾, 王海龙 周建华 邓梓阳 刘朋飞,一种局域表面等离子体共振吸收太阳光制备蒸汽的方法,发明专利,授权号:201611115050.x, 公告日:2019 8 22。

20. 苗蕾 王海龙, 一种精准尺寸控制超小纳米银颗粒的制备方法,发明专利,授权号:ZL201611115392.1.2019年1月10日

21. 王海龙, 苗蕾, 一种纳米银多面体准球的制备方法,发明专利,申请号: 201611115374.3  授权日 2018.12.5 专利号:ZL201611115374.3

22. 苗蕾,刘朋飞,邓梓阳,周建华,苏珲,一种实现高效光热蒸汽转换的多孔木炭片的制备方法发明专利,授权号:ZL201710684250.5 授权日:2020.4.28.

23.苗蕾,刘朋飞,邓梓阳,周建华,苏珲,一种基于表面局域光热转换的蒸汽发生装置, 发明专利,授权号:ZL201710684062.2  授权日 2020.3.11

24. 苗蕾,邓梓阳,刘朋飞,周建华,苏珲,一种实现高效光热转化的纸基复合光热材料及其制备方法, 发明专利,授权号:ZL201810873182.1. 授权日 2021.2.3, 授权公告号:CN109024085B.

25.刘呈燕,王秀霞, 苗蕾,伍少海,一种高热电性能银锡三元化合物多晶块体材料的制备方法,发明专利,授权号:ZL20180534585.3. 申请日:2018.5.30, 授权日:2020年4月23日

26.苗蕾, 顾宇飞,周建华,一种复合生物质气凝胶光热转换材料的制备方法及其应用,发明专利,专利号:ZL201810812653.8.申请日:2018.7.23。授权公告日:2021年8月3日

27.苗蕾, 邓梓阳,周建华,一种三维海绵基光热转化材料的制备方法及其应用,发明专利,申请号:201810813594.6.申请日:2018.7.23。

28. 苗蕾 穆晓江 顾宇飞王鹏飞 周建华 刘静 一种碳纳米管气凝胶木片双层结构光热转化材料  发明专利 2019.8.7 授权号:ZL201910725888.8,

