
周昌荣 研究员 (zcr750320@aliyun.com)    




周昌荣 男,博士,教授,硕士生导师。 1998年6月本科毕业于中南大学; 2004年6月在中南大学获材料物理与化学专业硕士学位; 2008年10月在中南大学获电子信息材料与器件博士学位;2010年10月至2011年10月在英国 伯明翰大学公派访问学者。主要从事压电铁电材料与铝合金强韧化方面的教学与科研工作。 目前课题组承担国家自然科学基金5项,广西自然科学基金项1项,其它项目3项,作为主要研究人 员参与完成2项国家“863”项目,3项国家自然科学基金项目与多项省部级及横向项目。 获广西自然科学三等奖项,指导学生先后获得全国“挑战杯”创业计划竞赛铜奖等国家级奖项5项,省部级奖项8项, 获得国家级创新创业训练项目4项、自治区级创新创业项目5项。多年来一直从事压电铁电 材料与铝合金强韧化方面研究。近几年来在Applied Physics Letters、Journal of the American Ceramic Society、Journal of the European Ceramic Society、Materials Research Bulletin、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Materials Chemistry and Physics、Materials Science & Engineering B、Journal of Materials Science、硅酸盐学报、 无机材料学报、金属热处理与材料科学与工艺等期刊上发表学术论文100余篇,全部被SCI、 EI收录,申请国家发明专利25项,授权10余项。目前担任Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Materials Science and Engineering B, Materials Chemistry and Physics等国际知名杂志审稿人。 课题组科研气氛浓厚,组内研究生发表论文档次高,经常组织各式活动,进入到实验室的研究生,每年除学校的奖励以外,课题组另外给予每人每年至少4000元的助研津贴,欢迎材料/物理/化学类同学报考。 .











1. 新型无铅电子陶瓷的结果调控、掺杂机理及压电介电特性研究,广西科学技术奖,自然科学三等奖,2014.12, 排名第2.


1. The Ninth International Conference on High-performance Ceramics (Special Symposium A: E1),第九届先进陶瓷国际研讨会,


 2. International Workshop on Lead-free Piezoelectric and Novel Ferroic Materials,  2015年10月16日-18日, 西安,Poster.

 3. 第七届中日铁电材料及其应用会议,2015年08月26日-29日,北京,Poster.

 4 . 无机材料高层论坛暨第7届无机非金属材料专题研讨会,2015年08月20日-23日,无锡,口头报告。

 5. 9th Asian Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Asian Meeting on Electrioceramics (AMF-AMEC-2014), 2014年10月26日-30日,上海,


 6. 第十五届全国电介质、材料与应用学术会议,2014年5月24日-27日,湘潭,口头报告.

  7. 现代铁电体新主题国际研讨会,2014年5月26日-29日,湘潭,邀请报告.

8.  第五届无机非金属材料专题——先进功能陶瓷材料研讨会,2013年07月31日-08月2日,西宁,Poster.









  1. Lei Cao, Changrong Zhou*,  Jiwen Xu, Qinglin Li, Changlai Yuan, Guohua Chen,Effect of poling on polarization alignment, dielectric behavior and piezoelectricity development in polycrystalline BiFeO3-BaTiO3 ceramics,Physica status solidi (A),213(1), 52-59(2016).
  2. Ling Yang, Changrong Zhou*, Weidong Zeng, Changlai Yuan, Guohua Chen, Jianrong Xiao, Jiafeng Ma, Qin Zhou, Unique high temperature polarization stability state in Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 -BaTiO3 system at the morphotropic phase boundary, Phys. Status Solidi A, 212(8), 1785-1788(2015).
  3. Qiaolan Fan, Changrong Zhou*,Weidong Zeng, Lei Cao,Normal-to-relaxor ferroelectric phase transition and electrical properties in Nb-modified 0.72BiFeO3-0.28BaTiO3 ceramics,Changlai Yuan,Guanghui Rao , Xuqiong Li,J. Electroceram,2015.12.10
  4. Qiaolan Fan, Weidong Zeng*, Changrong Zhou*, Zhenyong Cen, Changlai Yuan, Jianrong Xiao, Jiafeng Ma, Effect of reoriented nanodomains on crystal structure and piezoelectric properties in polycrystalline ferroelectric ceramics, Journal of  Electronic Materials, 44(10), 3843-3848(2015).
  5. Qiaolan Fan, Changrong Zhou*,  Qinglin Li, Jiwen Xu, Changlai Yuan, Guohua Chen, Temperature stability of sodium-doped BiFeO3-BaTiO3 piezoelectric ceramics, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 26,9336-9341(2015).
  6. Lei Cao, Changrong Zhou*, Qiaolan Fan, Weidong Zeng, Qin Zhou, Unusual relaxor–normal ferroelectric crossover in Co-doped BiFeO3 -BaTiO3 ceramics, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 26, 3610–3614 (2015).
  7. Weidong Zeng, Xiujuan Zhou, Jun Chen, Jiayi Liao, Changrong Zhou* Zhenyong Cen, Tao Yang, Huabin Yang, Qin Zhou, Guohua Chen, Changlai Yuan,Origin of high piezoelectric activity in perovskite ferroelectric ceramics, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 242910, 2014.
  8. Xiujuan Zhou, Changrong Zhou*, Qin Zhou, Huabin Yang, Zhenyong Cen, Jun Cheng, Lei Cao, Qiaolan Fan, Investigation of structural and electrical properties of B-site complex ions (Mg1/3Nb2/3)4+ modified high Curie temperature BiFeO3-BaTiO3 ceramics, Journal of Electronic Materials, 43(3), 755-760, 2014.
  9. Qin Zhou, Changrong Zhou*, Huabin Yang, Changlai Yuan, Guohua Chen,  Lei Cao, Qiaolan Fan, Piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties of Ga modified BiFeO3–BaTiO3 lead-free ceramics with high Curie temperature, Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronic, 25(1), 196-201, 2014.
  10. Zhenyong Cen, Changrong Zhou*, Qin Zhou, Huabin Yang, Xiujuan Zhou, Jun Cheng, Xinglang Ye, The effect of composite (Li0.5Nd0.5)2+ ions substitution on microstructure, dielectric behavior and electrical properties of 0.95Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3–0.05BaTiO3Ceramics, Ceramics International 40(7), 10431–10439, 2014.
  11. Zhenyong Cen, Changrong Zhou*, Xinglang Ye, Yazhou Zhao, Fangyu Gan, Huanhua Zhang, Effect of sintering temperature on structure and dielectric behavior of 0.95(Bi0.5Na0.5)0.97(Li0.5Nd0.5)0.03TiO3–0.05BaTiO3 ceramics, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 25, 4983-4991, 2014.
  12. X. X. Ma, W. Z. Li, W. D. Zeng, C. R. Zhou*, T. Yang, Q. Y. Yu and J. M. Zeng, Structure and electrical properties evolution of B-site complex ions (Li1/4Nb3/4) modification BNT–BT ceramics, Advances in Applied Ceramics,113(6), 362-365, 2014.
  13. Zhenyong Cen, Changrong Zhou*, Huabin Yang, Qin Zhou, Weizhou Li, Chunle Yan, Lei Cao, Jun Song, Ling Peng. Remarkably high-temperature stability of Bi(Fe1-xAlx)O3-BaTiO3 solid solution with near-zero temperature coefficient of piezoelectric properties, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 96(7), 2252-2256, 2013.
  14. Huabin Yang, Changrong Zhou*, Xinyu Liu, Qin Zhou, Guohua Chen, Weizhou Li, Hua Wang, Piezoelectric properties and temperature stabilities of Mn- and Cu-modified BiFeO3 –BaTiO3 high temperature ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 33(6), 1177-1183, 2013.
  15. Zhenyong Cen, Changrong Zhou*, Jun Cheng, Xiujuan Zhou, Weizhou Li, Chunle Yan­, Songlin Feng, Yueqiang Liu­, Daosong Lao, Effect of Zr4+ substitution on thermal stability and electrical properties of high temperature BiFe0.99Al0.01O3-BaTi1-xZrxO3 ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 567, 110-114, 2013.
  16.  Changrong Zhou*, Huabin Yang, Qin Zhou, Zhenyong Cen, Weizhou Li, Changlai Yuan, Hua Wang, Dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of La-substituted BiFeO3-BaTiO3 ceramics, Ceramics International,39(4), 4307-4311, 2013.
  17.  Changrong Zhou*, Zhenyong Cen, Huabin Yang, Qin Zhou, Weizhou Li, Changlai Yuan, Hua Wang, Structure, electrical properties of Bi(Fe, Co)O3-BaTiO3 piezoelectric ceramics with improved Curie temperature, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 410(1), 13-16, 2013.
  18. Huabin Yang, Changrong Zhou*, Qin Zhou, Changlai Yuan, Weizhou Li, Hua Wang, Lead free (Li, Na, K)(Nb, Sb)O3 piezoelectric ceramics: effect of Bi(Ni0.5Ti0.5)O3 modification and sintering temperature on microstructure and electrical properties, Journal of Materials Science, 48(7), 2997-3002, 2013.
  19. Zhenyong Cen, Huabin Yang, Changrong Zhou*, Qin Zhou, Jun Cheng, Changlai Yuan, Weizhou Li, Effect of sintering temperature on microstructure and piezoelectric properties of Pb-free BiFeO3–BaTiO3 ceramics in the composition range of large BiFeO3 concentrations. Journal of Electroceramics, 31(1-2), 15-20, 2013.
  20. Zhenyong Cen, Changrong Zhou*,  Huabin Yang, Qin Zhou, Weizhou Li,  Changlai Yuan, Structural, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of Mn-modified BiFeO3–BaTiO3 high-temperature ceramics, Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronic, 24(10), 3952-3957, 2013.
  21. Changrong Zhou*, Huabin Yang, Qin Zhou, Guohua Chen, Weizhou Li, Hua Wang, Effects of Bi excess on the structure and electrical properties of high-temperature BiFeO3-BaTiO3 piezoelectric ceramics, Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronic, 24(5), 1685-1689, 2013.
  22. Xu Shan, Changrong Zhou*, Zhenyong Cen, Huabin Yang, Qin Zhou, Weizhou Li. Bi(Zn1/2Ti1/2)O3 modified BiFeO3-BaTiO3 lead-free piezoelectric ceramics with high temperature stability, Ceramics International, 39(6), 6707-6712, 2013.
  23.  Huabin Yang*, Xu Shan, Changrong Zhou, Qin Zhou, Weizhou Li, Jun Cheng. Microstructure, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of lead-free Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-Bi0.5K0.5TiO3-BiMnO3 ceramics, Bulletin of Materials Science, 36(2), 265-270, 2013.
  24. Changrong Zhou, Guohua Chen*, Changlai Yuan, Huabin Yang, Qin Zhou, Weizhou Li, Hua Wang. Structure and microwave dielectric characteristics of lithium-excess Ca0.6Nd0.8/3TiO3/(Li0.5Nd0.5)TiO3 Ceramics. Materials Research Bulletin 48, 4924–4929, 2013.
  25. Changrong Zhou*, Antonio Feteira, Xu Shan, Huabin Yang, Qin Zhou, Jun Chen, Weizhou Li, Hua Wang, Remarkably high-temperature stable piezoelectric properties of Bi(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3 modified BiFeO3–BaTiO3 ceramics, Applied Physics Letters, 101(3), 032901, 2012.
  26. Qin Zhou, Changrong Zhou*,Huabin Yang, Guohua Chen, Weizhou Li, Hua Wang, Dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of Bi(Ni1/2Ti1/2)O3-modified BiFeO3- BaTiO3 ceramics with high Curie temperature, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 95(12), 3889-3893, 2012.




1. 钙钛矿结构铁电陶瓷纳米畴的关联有序性、极性与活性及弱场压电性能的来源国家自然科学基金,11564007,56.2万,2016.01-

    2019. 12,主持。

 2. 高温压电传感器用高稳定低损耗BiFeO3-BaTiO3基陶瓷的构效关系与调控机理,国家自然科学基金,61361007,45.0万,2014.01


3. 压电换能器用钛酸铋钠基陶瓷大压电各向异性的结构本质和织构化制备新方法及机理, 国家自然科学基金,61561015,43.2万,

   2016.01-2019.12, 承担。

4.  A位复合钙钛矿结构铁电体的奇异弛豫特性、A位活性及其机理研究,国家自 然科学基金, 61261012,45.0万,2013.01-2016.12,


 5. 基于多相临界点准同型相界的高温无铅压电陶瓷的组成设计、制备与性能调控,国家自然科学基金,54.0万,2014.01-2017.12,


6. 压电换能器用无铅陶瓷压电各向异性的结构本质和织构化制备新方法及机理,广西自然科学基金,2015GXNSFAA139250, 5.0万,

   2015. 5-2018.4,主持.

7.  钙钛矿结构铁电陶瓷纳米畴的关联有序及弱场下的压电响应, 广西重点实验室基金,15.0万,2014.01-2016.12,主持。   

 8.  高稳定传感器用无铅压电陶瓷的组成设计、制备与性能调控,广西信息实验室中心基金, 2013.01-2014.12,主持。

 9. 钛酸铋钠基压电陶瓷的构-效关系及压电活性的结构本质,广西自然科学基金,2010GXNSFB013010,2010.01-2013.12,主




1. 周昌荣, 周秀娟, 杨涛, 杨华斌,周沁,陈国华, 袁昌来,马家锋,杨云. 一种高耐压无铅高温铁电陶瓷及其制备方法,2015 .7.29, 中国, ZL201310701728.2

2. 周昌荣, 周沁, 杨华斌, 周秀娟, 杨涛, 陈国华, 袁昌来, 马家峰, 杨云, 一种具有近零温度系数的高温无铅压电陶瓷及其制备方法2015. 8.19, 中国, ZL201310701726.3。

3. 周昌荣, 成钧,杨华斌,周沁,袁昌来,陈国华. B位复合Bi基化合物组成的无铅压电陶瓷及其制备方法,2014 .9, 中国, ZL201310081345.X

4. 周昌荣, 杨华斌,周沁,袁昌来,陈国华. 一种铋基钙钛矿型无铅压电陶瓷及其低温制备方法,2013.12,中国, ZL201210032459.0

5.  周昌荣, 单旭,周沁,杨华斌,成钧,袁昌来,陈国华. 钙钛矿结构无铅压电陶瓷,2013.4,中国,  ZL201110162433.3.

6.  周昌荣, 岑侦勇, 周沁, 杨华斌,  成钧, 袁昌来, 陈国华. 一种高居里温度铁酸铋基无铅压电陶瓷及其制备方法,  2012.10, 中国, ZL20111062432.9.

7.  周昌荣, 刘心宇. 钛铌锌酸铋钠系无铅压电陶瓷及其制备方法, 2011.9, 中国, ZL200710049 650.5.

8.  周昌荣, 刘心宇, 一种三元系钛酸铋钠基无铅压电陶瓷, 2009.12, 中国, ZL 20071005030   4. 9.   

     9.  周昌荣, 杨涛, 周秀娟, 杨华斌, 周沁, 陈国华, 袁昌来. 一种反常压电各向异性无铅压电陶瓷及其织构化制备方法, 2013.12.26, 中国, 2   


10.  周昌荣, 周秀娟, 杨涛, 杨华斌, 周沁, 陈国华, 袁昌来. 一种高耐压无铅高温铁电陶瓷及其制备方法, 2013.12.26, 中国, 201310701728.2 .

11.  周昌荣,周沁,杨华斌,周秀娟,杨涛,陈国华,袁昌来. 一种具有近零温度系数的高温无铅压电陶瓷及其制备方法, 2013.12.26, 中国, 201310701726.3.




QQ: 770104260
