
于凌尧 中级 (lingyaoyu01@163.com)    






2011/01—2016/03: 加拿大拉瓦尔大学                物理学                      博士

2007/09—2010/06: 深圳大学                      物理电子学                工学硕士

2003/09—2007/06: 江南大学                  光信息科学与技术          理学学士


2018/07至今:           沙巴足球(中国)股份有限公司官网            电子工程与自动化学院             教师

2018/04—2018/07:       广东省医疗器械研究所          电子仪器研发              科研员

2017/06—2017/12:    加拿大Servo-Robot Inc.     工业智能相机研发         光学工程师

2016/04—2017/05:       加拿大拉瓦尔大学               生物物理学                      博士后

  1. Lingyao Yu and Yunlong Sheng, Study on cell opto-mechanics with optical tweezers, Photonics North, 23-9, Quebec City, (2016) Refereed.
  2. Lingyao Yu and Yunlong Sheng, Testing viscoelastic responses of biological cells in the optical tweezers, Optical Trapping Applications 2015 Conference, Optical Manipulation Applications III (OtT4E), Vancouver Canada, Page OtT4E.5 (2015).
  3. Lingyao Yu and Yunlong Sheng, Optical and mechanical analysis on the biological cell in the optical tweezers, Women in Physics Canada Conference, Oral Session 1: Including Biophysics and Condensed Matter Physics, Toronto, Canada (2015) Referred.
  4. Lingyao Yu and Yunlong Sheng, Temporal response of 3D biological cell to high-frequency optical jumping and vibrating tweezers, Proc. of SPIE, 9164, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XI, 91640R, San Diego, US (2014).
  5. Yunlong Sheng, Lingyao Yu, et al., Study on mechanics of biological cells manipulated in the optical tweezers, Proceedings of The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress 2014, CSME International Congress 2014, June 1-4, 2014, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  6. Lingyao Yu, Yi He, Arthur Chiou and Yunlong Sheng, Deformation of biconcave Red Blood Cell in the Dual-beam Optical Tweezers, COMSOL conference in Boston, (2011).
  7. 于凌尧,屈军乐,尹君,牛憨笨,林子扬,利用时间分辨相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射(CARS)技术获取分子拉曼光谱的方法研究,中国生物医学工程联合学术年会(CBME09),中国重庆(2009)。


  1. Lingyao Yu and Yunlong Sheng, Optical and mechanical analysis of biological cell in optical tweezers, Journée du COPL 2015, Montreal, Canada, (2015).
  2. Lingyao Yu, and Yunlong Sheng, Optical and mechanical analysis of biological cell under optical tweezers, Journée du COPL 2014 / 25e Anniversaire, Quebec, Canada, (2014).
  3. Yu Lingyao, Yin Jun, Lin Ziyang, Niu Hanben, The time-resolved broadband coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectrography for obtaining the vibrational spectrum and vibrational dephasing time of molecules, the 4th Advanced Optical Methods Workshop, Shenzhen, China, (2010).





[1] Lingyao Yu, Yuan Jia, Xujin Hu, Shaofei Wang, Hongyu Chen, Shuai Liu, Hongchang Deng, Maowen Wang and Jun Yin, Trapping and Revolving Micron Particles by Transformable Line Traps of Optical Tweezers, Chinese Optics Letters, Vol. 20, Iss. 5 (2022).

[2] 尹君,王少飞,张俊杰,谢佳谌,陈宏宇,贾源,胡徐锦,于凌尧,基于动态散斑照明的宽场荧光显微技术理论研究,物理学报,Vol. 70 (23), (2021).

[3] Lingyao Yu and Yunlong Sheng, Effect of the object 3D shape on the viscoelastic testing in optical tweezers, Optics Express, Vol. 23, Iss. 5, pp. 6020-6028, (2015).

[4] Lingyao Yu and Yunlong Sheng, Temporal response of three-dimensional biological cells to high-frequency optical jumping tweezers, Journal of Nanophotonics, Vol. 9, 093083 (2015).

[5] Lingyao Yu and Yunlong Sheng, Mechanical analysis of the optical tweezers in time-sharing regime, Optics Express Vol. 22, Iss. 7, pp. 7953–7961 (2014).

[6] Lingyao Yu, Yunlong Sheng, and Arthur Chiou, Three-dimensional light-scattering and deformation of individual biconcave human blood cells in optical tweezers, Optics Express Vol. 21, Iss. 10, pp. 12174–12184 (2013).

[7] Hai Zhang, Lingyao Yu, et al., An experimental and analytical study of micro-laser line thermography on micro-sized flaws in stitched carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 126, pp. 17-26, (2016).

[8] Ming Dai, Xin Chen, Tong Sun, Lingyao Yu, Mian Chen, Haoming Lin, and Siping Chen, A 2D magneto-acousto-electrical tomography method to detect conductivity variation using multifocus image method, Sensors, 18(2373), (2018).

[9] Ming Dai, Tong Sun, Xin Chen, Lingyao Yu, Mian Chen, Penghui Hao, Xin Zeng, Jiejie Yan, and Siping Chen, A B-scan imaging method of conductivity variation detection for magneto-acousto-electrical tomography, IEEE Access, (2019).

[10] Yunlong Sheng, Lingyao Yu, et al., Proceedings of The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering International Congress 2014, CSME International Congress 2014, June 1-4, 2014, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

[11] Lingyao Yu and Yunlong Sheng, Optical Trapping Applications 2015 Conference, Optical Manipulation Applications III (OtT4E), Vancouver Canada, Page OtT4E.5 (2015).

[12] Lingyao Yu and Yunlong Sheng, Proc. of SPIE, 9164, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XI, 91640R (2014).

[13] Lingyao Yu, Yi He, Arthur Chiou and Yunlong Sheng, Deformation of biconcave red blood cell in the dual beam optical tweezers, COMSOL conference in Boston, (2011).

[14] 于凌尧,尹君,万辉,刘星,屈军乐,牛憨笨,林子扬,基于超连续光谱激发的时间分辨相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射方法与实验研究,物理学报,59(8), (2010), 5406-5411.

[15] Yin Jun, Yu Ling-Yao, Liu Xing, Wan Hui, Lin Zi-Yang, and Niu Han-Ben, Chinese Physics B, 20 (1), (2011).

[16] Hai Zhang, Henrique Fernandes, Lingyao Yu, et al, Proc. SPIE 9861, Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XXXVIII, 98611A (2016).

[17] 万辉,尹君,于凌尧,刘星,屈军乐,林子扬,牛憨笨,分子多振动模式的振动退相时间同时测量方法,光谱学与光谱分析,31(2):314-318, (2011).

[18] 尹君,于凌尧,屈军乐,牛憨笨,林子扬,获取生物分子完整拉曼谱的时间分辨相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射方法的理论研究,光学报,30(7), (2010), 2136-2141.

[19] 尹君,林子扬,屈军乐,于凌尧,刘星,万辉,牛憨笨,相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射显微成像技术,中国激光,36 (10) 2477-2484 (2009).


[1] “基于光操控的细胞多粘弹性测量方法研究”,广西科技基地和人才专项,在研。

[2] “基于单细胞操控方法的细胞力学特性理论与实验研究”,广西教育厅青年能力提升项目,在研。

[3] “声场精准操控微流系统内纳米颗粒的理论分析”,广西自动检测技术与仪器重点实验室主任基金项目,已结题。

[4] “基于光操控的细胞粘弹性检测方法研究”,广西自动检测技术与仪器重点实验室主任基金项目,在研。

[5] “基于多芯光纤操控的肺泡力学特性检测方法研究”,广西光电信息处理重点实验室主任基金项目,在研。


[1] 于凌尧,贾源,尹君,胡徐锦,王少飞,陈宏宇,苑立波,基于线激光操控的细胞粘弹性检测系统及方法,国家发明专利申请号202110244094

[2] 于凌尧,胡徐锦,尹君,贾源,王少飞,陈宏宇,苑立波,一种基于光阱刚度标定的微流体粘滞度测量装置及其方法,国家发明专利申请号2021111385474

[3] 于凌尧,胡徐锦,尹君,贾源,王少飞,陈宏宇,苑立波,基于光镊系统四象限探测器标定装置及其方法,国家发明专利申请号2021111577510


Email: lingyaoyu01@163.com

