
王雷 中级 (18810771076@139.com)    



(1) 2015-9至2019-6, 北京邮电大学, 管理科学与工程, 博士,
(2) 2002-9至2004-6, 天津大学, 电磁场与微波技术, 硕士
(3) 1997-9至2001-6, 天津大学, 电子信息工程, 学士
2004.08-2015.07 中国移动通信集团山东有限公司东营分公司

[1] Lei W, Ozturk I, Muhammad H, et al. On the asymmetric effects of financial deepening on renewable and non-renewable energy consumption: insights from China[J]. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2021: 1-18.(2021.12)SSCI
[2] Lei W, Xie Y, Hafeez M, et al. Assessing the dynamic linkage between energy efficiency, renewable energy consumption, and CO2 emissions in China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021: 1-13.(2021.10)SCI
[3] Lei W, Liu L, Hafeez M, et al. Do economic policy uncertainty and financial development influence the renewable energy consumption levels in China?[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021: 1-10. SCI(2021.09)
[4] Lei Wang, Mengke Yang*, Zulfiqar Hussain Pathan, Shafaq Salam, Khuram Shahzad and Jianqiu Zeng. Analysis of Influencing Factors of Big Data Adoption in Chinese Enterprises Using DANP Technique. Sustainability, 2018, 10(11). SSCI
[5] Wang L, Zeng J, Strohmaier D, et al. Toward a service-innovation ecosystem of enterprises in China[J]. Human Systems Management, 2019, 38(3): 279-295. EI
[6] 王雷, 曾剑秋, 温馨. 顾客价值主张对服务创新绩效的影响——顾客参与的中介作用. 经济与管理研究, 2018,39(08),133-144. CSSCI
[7] 王雷, 廖晛, Mahmood Movahedipour, 王珏华. 大数据驱动的创造共享价值研究. 北京邮电大学学报(社会科学版), 2016,18(06),58-63. CSSCI
[8] Lei Wang, Haijian Wang and Jun Wu. Which Factors drive Firms’ Green Information Technology Practices? An Integrated DEMATEL-ANP Approach. 会议论文
[9] Siqi F, Lei W*, Tao X, et al. Research on User Tracking and User statistics Based on TD-LTE Signaling: User monitoring technology based on TD-LTE signaling[C]//2021 4th International Conference on E-Business, Information Management and Computer Science. 2021: 11-16. EI会议
[10] 王海舰,袁珊,王雷*.中国物流与经济的时空轨迹及其耦合趋势研究[J].技术经济,2021,40(06):121-131. 北大核心
[11] Bing Chen, Lei Wang, Hassan Rasool and Jun Wang. Research on the Impact of Marketing Strategy on Consumers’ Impulsive Purchase Behavior in Livestreaming E-commerce [J]. Frontiers in psychology, 2022, 13. SSCI
[12] Zahid Latif, Wang Lei, Shahid Latif, Zulfiqar Hussain Pathan, Rahat Ullah, Zeng Jianqiu. Big data challenges: Prioritizing by decision-making process using Analytic Network Process technique[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019, 78(19): 27127-27153. SCI
[13] Zahid Latif, Wang Lei, Zulfiqar Hussain Pathan, Sikander Hussain, Kaleem Khan. Factors affecting diffusion and adoption of information and communication technology among rural users in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan. International Journal of Information Technology and Management, 2018, 17(4): 349-370. EI
[14] 温馨, 杨萌柯, 王雷. 基于DANP方法的虚拟社区知识共享关键影响因素识别研究. 现代情报, 2018, 38(12):59-66+71. CSSCI
[15] Shahzad K, Jianqiu Z, Hashim M, Nazam M, Wang L. Impact of using information and communication technology and renewable energy on health expenditure: A case study from Pakistan. Energy. 2020 May 27:117956.  SCI
[16] Chen Y, Wang H*, Wang L, et al. Consumer Identity and Loyalty in Electronic Product Offline Brand Operation: The Moderator Effect of Fanship[J]. Information, 2021, 12(7): 282. EI
[17] Wen Xin, Wu Gang, Kang Qi, Wang Lei, Zeng Jianqiu. A study on customer knowledge management, inbound open innovation and firm performance[J]. Human Systems Management, 2020, 39(2): 183-195. EI
[18] ShiYong Z, JiaYing L, HaiJian W, Dukhaykh S, Lei W, BiQing L and Jie P (2022) Do Product Characteristics Affect Customers’ Participation in Virtual Brand Communities? An Empirical Study. Front. Psychol. 12:792706. SSCI
[19] Wei Wang, Minxue Huang, Shiyong Zheng, Liangtong Lin, and Lei Wang. The Impact of Broadcasters on Consumer's Intention to Follow Livestream Brand Community[J]. Frontiers in psychology, 2021, 12: 810883-810883. SSCI
[20] Zheng ShiYong, Li JiaYing, Wang Wei, Wang HaiJian*, Umair Akram, Wang Lei and Li BiQing. Effect of Seeding Strategy on the Efficiency of Brand Spreading in Complex Social Networks [J]. Frontiers in psychology, 2022, 13. SSCI
[21] Salam S, Jianqiu Z, Pathan Z H, Lei W. Strategic barriers in the effective integration of ICT in the public schools of Pakistan[C]//Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. 2017: 169-172. EI会议
[22] Zahid Latif, Jianqiu Zeng, Shafaq Salam, Zulfiqar Hussain, Lei Wang, Nasir Jan & Muhammad Salman. Shift in the Regional Balance of Power from Europe to Asia: A Case Study of ICT Industry[C]//International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management. Springer, Cham, 2017: 490-498.国际会议
[23] Shahzad Khuram, Jianqiu Zeng, Sardar Taiba, Hafeez Muhammad, Shaheen Aliya, Wang Lei. Hospital information-system (HIS) acceptance: A physician’s stance[J]. Human Systems Management, 2019, 38(2): 159-168. EI

王雷. 基于服务生态系统视角的企业服务创新研究——以ICT产业为例. 中国纺织出版社有限公司, 2020.

[4]国家自然科学基金专项研究项目(基金编号:71940008),社交媒体语境下的网络流行语传播演化机制研究, 2020/01-2021/12,项目参与人,在研。

[1]“桂林市国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划纲要”编制, 主持.
[2]桂林市2020年营商环境第三方评估, 参与.
[3]桂林市国家物流枢纽布局城市建设工作方案(规划)编制, 参与.
[4]《桂林市农产品冷链物流发展“十四五”规划》编制, 参与.
