
翟仲毅 副高级 (zhaizhongyi@guet.edu.cn)    




翟仲毅,工学博士,副研究员,硕士研究生生导师,ACM Member;主要研究方向为物联网服务智能与安全、边缘计算与智能;目前主持国家自然科学基金、广西区自然基金、广西区青年创新人才专项、国家重点实验室和区重点实验室基金各一项;作为主要人员参与973、863、国家自然科学基金重点项目/地区项目等多项课题。在IEEE Communications Magazine、IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking、IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems、IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management、软件学报等国内外期刊,以及ACM/IEEE ASE 2016、WWW2016、ACM SigComm 2016、ACM MobiCom 2018,UbiComp2021等国际知名会议上发表论文20余篇。同时注重把科技转化为应用,申请发明专利5项,软件著作权3项;积极参与学术活动, 是IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management、COMP、Neural Computing and Applications等多个期刊的审稿人。形成了稳定的科研团队和良好的研究生培养体系,指导的研究生获得了多项学科竞赛奖项、国家奖学金,以及优秀硕士论文。欢迎数学与计算机专业同学报考,一起合作研究。


2020.12-至今, 沙巴足球(中国)股份有限公司官网计算机与信息安全学院,副研究员

2017.11-2020.11,沙巴足球(中国)股份有限公司官网计算机与信息安全学院, 讲师 


1.    广西首届计算机科学学术秀优秀讲者,CCF YOCSEF桂林分论坛,2017年11月

2.    沙巴足球(中国)股份有限公司官网首届研究生导师团队成员, 沙巴足球(中国)股份有限公司官网,2019年11月


1. CCF YOCSEF 桂林分论坛 ,  2021学术秘书、委员

2. Globecom 2020 SAC-Big Data,  程序委员会成员


[1]  Zhongyi Zhai, Xiaofeng Chen, Yinduo Zhao, Lingzhong Zhao, Junyan Qian, Jinsong Wu, SmartCamera: Realtime Video Stream-Oriented Action Recognition Platform in Edge Environment. UbiComp 2021, pp.88-89, Sep. 2021
[2] Zhongyi Zhai, Peipei Liu, LingzhongZhao, Junyan Qian, Bo Cheng,An Efficiency-Enhanced Deep Learning Model for Citywide Crowd Flows Prediction, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, vol.12, no.7, pp.1879-1891, 2021.
[3]Junyan Qian, Fuhao Mo, Hao Ding, Zhide Zhou, Lingzhong Zhao, Zhongyi Zhai, An improved algorithm for accelerating reconfiguration of VLSI array.  Integration the VLSI Journal, vol. 79, pp.124-132, 2021.
[4]Hao Ding, Junyan Qian, Bisheng Huang, Lingzhong Zhao, Zhongyi Zhai, Flexible scheme for reconfiguring 2D mesh-connected VLSI subarrays under row and column rerouting, J. Parallel Distributed Comput., vol.151, pp.1-12 , 2021. 
[5]Junyan Qian,Bisheng Huang, Hao Ding, Zhide Zhou, Lingzhong Zhao, Zhongyi Zhai*,An efficient multiple shortest augmenting paths algorithm for constructing high performance VLSI subarray, Integration the VLSI Journal,Vol.75, No.11, pp.63-72, 2020. 

[6] Zhongyi Zhai,Ke Xiang, Lingzhong Zhao, Bo Cheng, Junyan Qian, Jinsong Wu, IoT-RECSM—Resource-Constrained Smart Service Migration Framework for IoT Edge Computing Environment, Sensors, pp1-13, April 2020. 

[7]Zhongyi Zhai, Ke Xiang, Lingzhong Zhao, Junyan Qian, MobiMVL: A Model-Driven Mobile Application Development Approach for End-Users, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security, pp.682-694, Jul. 2020 

[8] Zhongyi Zhai, Guibing Lai, Lingzhong Zhao, Junyan Qian, Behavior Compatibility Analysis for Service Mashup with Model Checking, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security, pp.148-159, Jul. 2020 

[9] Abdullah Al-Mamun, Jialin Liu, Tonglin Li, Quincey Koziol, Zhongyi Zhai, Junyan Qian, Haoting Shen, Dongfang Zhao, Reflector: a fine-grained I/O tracker for HPC systems. PPoPP 2020, pp.427-428, Feb. 2020. 

[10]Junyan Qian, Hao Ding, Hanpeng Xiao, Zhide Zhou, Lingzhong Zhao, Zhongyi Zhai*,Efficient Reconfiguration Algorithm With Flexible Rerouting Schemes for Constructing 3-D VLSI Subarrays. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2020, vol.39, no.1, pp.267-271, 2020. 

[11]Zhongyi Zhai, Junyan Qian, Yuan Tao, Lingzhong Zhao, Bo Cheng, “Poster: A Lightweight Timestamp-based MAC Detection Scheme for XOR Network Coding in Wireless Sensor Networks”, the ACM MobiCom 2018 Conference, pp.735-737, Oct. 2018. 

[12] Bo Cheng, Shuai Zhao, Junyan Qian, Zhongyi Zhai, Junliang Chen, “Lightweight Service Mashup Middleware with REST Style Architecture for IoT Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol.15, no.3, pp1063-1075, 2018. 

[13] Junyan Qian, Cong Chen, Wei Cao, Zhongyi Zhai, Lingzhong Zhao, “Improvement in JavaMOP by Simplifying Büchi Automaton”, the SETTA 2018 conference, pp.735-737, 2018. 

[14] Bo Cheng, Zhongyi Zhai, Shuai Zhao, Junliang Chen,“LSMP: A Lightweight Service Mashup Platform for Ordinary Users,”IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.55, no.4, pp116-123, 2017. 

[15] Bo Cheng, Ming Wang, Shuai Zhao, Zhongyi Zhai, Da Zhu, Junliang Chen,“Situation-Aware Dynamic Service Coordination in an IoT Environment,” IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking, vol.25, no.4, pp.2082-2095, 2017. 

[16] Zhongyi Zhai, Bo Cheng, Yue Tian, Junliang Chen, Lingzhong Zhao, Meng Niu, “A Data-driven Service Creation Approach for End-Users,” IEEE Access, vol.4, pp.9923-9940, Dec. 2016. 

[17] Zhongyi Zhai, Bo Cheng, Meng Niu, Zhaoning Wang, Yimeng Feng, Junliang Chen, “An End-User Oriented Tool Suite for Development of Mobile Applications,”the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE ), Singapore, pp.768-773, Sep. 2016. 

[18] Zhongyi Zhai, Bo Cheng, Zhaoning Wang, Xuan Liu, Meng Niu, Junliang Chen, “Design and Implementation: the End User Development Ecosystem for Cross-platform Mobile Applications,” the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web (WWW), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pp.143-144, Apr. 2016. 

[19] Zhaoning Wang, Bo Cheng, Zhongyi Zhai, Ying Jin, Yimeng Feng, Junliang Chen,“EasyApp: A Cross-platform Mobile Applications Development Environment Based on OSGi,” the ACM SIGCOMM 2016 Conference, pp.615-616, Aug. 2016. 

[20]赵岭忠,翟仲毅,钱俊彦,郭云川. 基于关键迹和ASP的CSP模型检测,软件学报,26(10), pp.2521-2544, 2015. 

[21] Yimeng Feng, Bo Cheng, Shuai Zhao, Zhongyi Zhai, Zhaoning Wang, Meng Niu and Junliang Chen, “ MobiTemplate: A Template-based Rapid Cross-Platform Mobile Application Development Environment,” the ACM MobiSys Conference, 2017. 

[22] Meng Niu, Bo Cheng, Zhongyi Zhai, Yimeng Feng and Junliang Chen,“ Docker-Based Self-Organizing IoT Services Architecture for Smarthome,” the ACM MobiSys Conference, 2017. 

[23] Bo Cheng, Xin Cheng, Zhongyi Zhai, Chengwen Zhang, Junliang Chen, ”Web of Things-Based Remote Monitoring System for Coal Mine Safety Using Wireless Sensor Network,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks(IJDSN ), 2014.



1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 情景感知的物联网边缘服务认知模型与机制研究, 主持, 在研 

2. 广西自然科学基金, 面向边缘计算环境的物联网服务自适应协同方法研究,主持,在研 

3. 广西青年创新人才科研专项, 面向智能终端的轻量级移动应用开发环境研发,主持,在研 

4. 广西可信软件重点实验室重点项目, 基于WEB轻量级物联网服务提供方法,主持,在研 

5. 网络与交换技术国家重点实验室项目, 面向边缘计算环境的物联网智能服务模型与协同机制研究,主持,在研 

6. 国家自然科学基金地区项目,基于ASP的多智能体分布式协同规划关键技术,参与(排名第二),在研 

7. 国家自然科学基金地区项目, 知识感知的动态系统建模与验证, 参与(排名第二),在研 


1. 中国电子科技集团十五所委托项目子课题, 物联网网格码自动生成服务,主持, 已验收


1. 国家发明专利,一种基于资源占用的边缘服务迁移仿真方法,实审,排名第一,申请号:201911232481.8

2. 国家发明专利,一种基于深度瓶颈残差网络的城市范围的人流量预测方法,实审, 排名第一,申请号:202010028983.5

3. 国家发明专利,一种面向电力缺失数据的协同补全方法,初审,排名第一,申请号:202110856338.7

4. 国家发明专利,一种基于时空融合的物联网缺失数据补全方法,初审,排名第一,申请号:202110856334.9

5. 国家发明专利,一种面向实时视频流的边缘环境行为识别系统,初审,排名第一,申请号:202110856044.4

6. 软件著作权,边缘服务迁移仿真原型系统,授权,排名第一,2019年9月

7. 软件著作权,基于边缘环境的智能家居服务系统V1.0,授权,排名第三,2019年3月

8. 软件著作权,基于景点评论的混合模型路由景点推荐系统, 授权,排名第三,2019年3月

E-mail: zhaizhongyi@guet.edu.cn