
王玉珏 副高级 (yjwang@guet.edu.cn)    




2015年获武汉大学博士学位和香港城市大学博士学位,之后任职新加坡管理大学Research Fellow。



已发表研究论文40余篇,包含IEEE TIFS等CCF/CACR推荐A/B/C类期刊和会议论文20余篇。





● Yujue Wang, HweeHwa Pang, Robert H. Deng, Yong Ding, Qianhong Wu, Bo Qin: Securing Messaging Services Through Efficient Signcryption with Designated Equality Test. Inf. Sci., 490: 146-165 (2019)

● Yujue Wang, Yong Ding, Qianhong Wu, Yongzhuang Wei, Bo Qin, Huiyong Wang: Privacy-Preserving Cloud-based Road Condition Monitoring with Source Authentication in VANETs. IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security 14(7): 1779-1790 (2019)

● Yujue Wang, HweeHwa Pang, Robert H. Deng: Verifiably encrypted cascade-instantiable blank signatures to secure progressive decision management. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 17(3): 347-363 (2018)

● Yujue Wang, Qianhong Wu, Bo Qin, Xiaofeng Chen, Xinyi Huang, Jungang Lou: Ownership-hidden group-oriented proofs of storage from pre-homomorphic signatures. Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 11(2): 235-251 (2018)

● Yujue Wang, HweeHwa Pang: Probabilistic Public Key Encryption for Controlled Equijoin in Relational Databases. Comput. J. 60(4): 600-612 (2017)

● Yujue Wang, HweeHwa Pang, Ngoc Hieu Tran, Robert H. Deng: CCA Secure encryption supporting authorized equality test on ciphertexts in standard model and its applications. Inf. Sci. 414: 289-305 (2017)

● Yujue Wang, HweeHwa Pang, Yanjiang Yang, Xuhua Ding: Secure server-aided top-k monitoring. Inf. Sci. 420: 345-363 (2017)

● Yujue Wang, Qianhong Wu, Bo Qin, Wenchang Shi, Robert H. Deng, Jiankun Hu: Identity-Based Data Outsourcing With Comprehensive Auditing in Clouds. IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security 12(4): 940-952 (2017)

● Yujue Wang, Qianhong Wu, Bo Qin, Shaohua Tang, Willy Susilo: Online/Offline Provable Data Possession. IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security 12(5): 1182-1194 (2017)

● Bo Qin, Linxiao Wang, Yujue Wang, Qianhong Wu, Wenchang Shi, Bin Liang: Versatile lightweight key distribution for big data privacy in vehicular ad hoc networks. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 28(10): 2920-2939 (2016)

● Yujue Wang, Qianhong Wu, Duncan S. Wong, Bo Qin, Jian Mao, Yong Ding: Provably secure robust optimistic fair exchange of distributed signatures. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 62: 29-39 (2016)

● Yujue Wang, Qianhong Wu, Duncan S. Wong, Bo Qin, Yi Mu, Jianwei Liu: Further ideal multipartite access structures from integer polymatroids. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences 58(7): 1-13 (2015)

● Yujue Wang, Duncan S. Wong, Qianhong Wu, Sherman S. M. Chow, Bo Qin, Jianwei Liu, Yong Ding: Practical (fully) distributed signatures provably secure in the standard model. Theor. Comput. Sci. 595: 143-158 (2015)

● Yujue Wang, Qianhong Wu, Bo Qin, Xiaofeng Chen, Xinyi Huang, Yunya Zhou: Group-oriented Proofs of Storage. AsiaCCS 2015: 73-84

● Yang Sun, Qianhong Wu, Bo Qin, Yujue Wang, Jianwei Liu: Batch Blind Signatures on Elliptic Curves. ISPEC 2015: 192-206

● Yujue Wang, Duncan S. Wong, Qianhong Wu, Sherman S. M. Chow, Bo Qin, Jianwei Liu: Practical Distributed Signatures in the Standard Model. CT-RSA 2014: 307-326

● Yujue Wang, Qianhong Wu, Duncan S. Wong, Bo Qin, Sherman S. M. Chow, Zhen Liu, Xiao Tan: Securely Outsourcing Exponentiations with Single Untrusted Program for Cloud Storage. ESORICS (1) 2014: 326-343

● Bo Qin, Linxiao Wang, Yujue Wang, Qianhong Wu, Wenchang Shi, Bin Liang: Efficient Sub-/Inter-Group Key Distribution for ad hoc Networks. NSS 2014: 448-461

● Yujue Wang, Qianhong Wu, Duncan S. Wong, Bo Qin, Jianwei Liu, Jian Mao. Optimistic fair exchange of distributed signatures. Communications Security Conference (CSC 2014), IET Conference Publications.
