
刘文芬 正高级 (liuwenfen@guet.edu.cn)    





主要从事概率统计在密码和数据分析中的应用研究。在密码学中的逻辑函数、可证明安全协议分析和网络安全、大数据安全性分析及隐私保护等方向取得了一系列研究成果。在《IEEE Tran. on Information Theroy》、《The ComputerJournal》、《软件学报》、《通信学报》等国内外重要学术期刊及会议上发表论文100余篇,其中被EI收录40余篇,SCI收录30余篇,申请技术发明专利5项(已授权4项),和他人合作出版专著4部。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,广西区基金项目1项。支持并完成国家973计划子课题、国防预研课题、中国密码发展基金和军队级其它科研课题多项。并作为副组长或骨干成员参与863项目和国家自然科学基金项目多项。





1984/09 -1988/07,解放军信息工程学院,信息研究系,本科生



2017 -           沙巴足球(中国)股份有限公司官网,  教授


















1. Wenfen Liu, Mao Ye, Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu. Compressed Constrained Spectral Clustering Framework for Large-scale Data Sets.  Knowledge Based Systems[J]. 2017, 135:77-88. (SCI 检索)

2. Wenfen Liu, Mao Ye, Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu. Fast Constrained Spectral Clustering and Cluster Ensemble With Random Projection. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience[J]. 2017, Article ID 2658707. (SCI 检索)

3. Wenfen Liu, Huifeng Sun. An Analysis of Resequencing Queue Size at Receiver on Multi-Path Transfers[C]// International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications. IEEE, 2011:1-4. (EI 检索)

4. 刘文芬, 魏江宏, 胡学先. 属性隐藏的基于谓词的认证密钥交换协议[J]. 通信学报, 2012(s1):41-47. (EI 检索)

5. 刘文芬, 代致永, 郜燕. 基于信任域的分布式动态信任管理模型[J]. 四川 大学学报:工程科学版, 2014, 46(4):61-66. (EI 检索)

6. Mao Ye, Wenfen Liu, Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu. Fuzzy c-means and cluster ensemble with random projection for big data clustering[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016. (SCI 检索)

7. Yan Gao, Wenfen Liu. BeTrust: A Dynamic Trust Model Based on Bayesian Inference and Tsallis Entropy for Medical Sensor Networks[J]. Journal of Sensors, 2014(2):1-10. (SCI 检索)

8. Yan Gao, Zhiyong Dai, Wenfen Liu. Modeling Dynamic Trust and Risk Evaluation Based on High-Order Moments[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering , 2015(2):1-9. (SCI 检索)

9. Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu, Wenfen Liu. An improved authentication scheme for telecare medicine information systems[J]. Journal of medical systems, 2012, 36(6): 3597-3604. (SCI 检索)

10. Jianghong Wei, Wenfen Liu, Xuexian Hu. Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Robust Smart Card Authentication Scheme for Multi-server Architecture[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2014, 77(3):2255-2269. (SCI 检索)

11. Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu, Wenfen Liu. Traceable attribute‐based signcryption[J]. Security and Communication Networks, 2014, 7(12): 2302-2317. (SCI 检索)

12. Jianghong Wei, Wenfen Liu, Xuexian Hu. Forward-secure threshold attribute-based signature scheme[J]. The Computer Journal, 2014, 58(10): 2492-2506. (SCI 检索)

13. Jianghong Wei, Wenfen Liu, Xuexian Hu. Secure and Efficient Attribute-Based Access Control for Multiauthority Cloud Storage[J]. IEEE Systems Journal, PP(99):1-12. (SCI 检索)

14. Jianghong Wei, Wenfen Liu, Xuexian Hu. Secure Data Sharing in Cloud Computing Using Revocable Storage Identity-Based Encryption[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2016 (99). (SCI 检索)

15. Yan Gao, Wenfen Liu. A security routing model based on trust for medical sensor networks[C] IEEE International Conference on Communication Software and Networks. 2015:405-408. (EI 检索)

16. 叶茂, 刘文芬. 基于快速地标采样的大规模谱聚类算法[J]. 电子与信息 学报, 2017,39(2):278-284. (EI 检索)

17. 郜燕, 刘文芬. 基于隐 Markov 过程的网络信任评估模型[J]. 四川大学学 报:工程科学版, 2015, 47(3):101-107. (EI 检索)

18.   Guangpu Gao, Wenfen Liu, Xiyong Zhang. The degree of balanced elementary symmetric Boolean functions of 4k+3 variables. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 57(7): 4822-4825, 2011 [SCI检索] . SCI: 000291922500058,EI: 20112614099657

19.   Guangpu Gao, Xiyong Zhang, Wenfen Liu and Claude Carlet. Constructions of quadratic and cubic rotation symmetric bent functions. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 58(7): 4908-4913, 2012 [SCI检索 WOS: 000305575000053].

20.   Guangpu Gao, Thomas W. Cusick and Wenfen Liu. Families of rotation symmetric functions with useful cryptographic properties, IET Information Security, 2014, 8(6): 297-302. [SCI检索].

21.   Claude Carlet, Guangpu Gao and Wenfen Liu. A secondary construction and a transformation on rotation symmetric functions, and their action on bent and semi-bent functions. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 2014, 9,127, 161-175, 2014[SCI检索].

22.   Claude Carlet, Guangpu Gao and Wenfen Liu, Results on constructions of rotation symmetric bent and semi-bent functions,  Sequences and their Applications 2014, Melbourne, Australia, 2014, 12, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8865, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2014: 21-33 .[ EI检索].

23.   Gong, Xin, Guangpu Gao, and Wenfen Liu. On permutation polynomials of the form . International Journal of Computer Mathematics 93(10): 1715-1722, 2016[SCI检索].


24. Wenfen Liu, Mao Ye*, Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu. Compressed Constrained Spectral Clustering Framework for Large-scale Data Sets.  Knowledge-Based Systems[J]. 2017, 135:77-88.
25. Wenfen Liu, Mao Ye*, Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu. Fast Constrained Spectral Clustering and Cluster Ensemble With Random Projection. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience[J]. 2017, Article ID 2658707.
26. Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu, Wenfen Liu. Forward and backward secure fuzzy encryption for data sharing in cloud computing. Soft Computing[J], 2017: 1-10.
27. Zhonglei Lu , Wenfen Liu*, etc, An Effective Approach of Sentence Compression Based on "Re-read" Mechanism and Bayesian Combination Model,NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING AND CHINESE COMPUTING, NLPCC 2017,2017,129-140, 卷: 10619,页: 339-350 ,DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-73618-1_29 ,出版年: 2018
28. Li J,Wei JH, Liu WF*,et al. PMDP: A Framework for Preserving Multiparty Data Privacy in Cloud Computing, Security &Communication Networks[J]. 2017:1-14.
29. Jianghong Wei, Xuexian Hu, Wefnfen Liu. Two-factor Authentication Scheme Using Attribute and Password. International Journal of Communication Systems,  2017, 30(1).
30. Jianghong Wei, Wenfen Liu, Xuexian Hu. Forward-secure identity-based signaturewith efficient revocation. International journal of Computer Mathematics, 2017, 94(7): 1390-1411.
31. Liu, WF (Liu, Wenfen); Zhou, G (Zhou, Gang); Wei, JH* (Wei, Jianghong); Hu, XX (Hu, Xuexian); Kumari, S (Kumari, Saru),Security Enhanced and Cost-effective User Authentication Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks,Information Technology and Control,47(2): 275-294,2018.(SCI 检索000436452300009,IF:0.800,4区,被引2次,ESI期刊)
(刘文芬,周刚,魏江宏,胡学先, Saru Kumari. 无线传感器网络的安全增强和高性价比的用户认证方案. 信息技术与控制, 2018, 47(2): 275-294)
32. Wei, JH (Wei, Jianghong); Liu, WF* (Liu, Wenfen); Hu, XX (Hu, Xuexian),On the security and improvement of privacy-preserving 3-factor authentication scheme for TMIS,International Journal of Communication Systems,,卷: 31,期: 15,2018
33. 王彬宇,刘文芬*,胡学先,魏江宏,基于余弦距离选取初始簇中心的文本聚类研究,计算机工程与应用,54(10):11-18,2018。
34. Wang Bing-Yu, Liu Wen-Fen*, Lin Zi-Jie, Hu Xue-Xian, Wei Jiang-Hong, Liu Chun. Text clustering algorithm based on deep representation learning. The Journal of Engineering, 2018-10-15, 16(16):1407-1414.)
35. Zhang Meng-Li, Zhang Qi-Hui, Hu Xue-Xian, Liu Wen-Fen[2], A password cracking method based on structure partition and BiLSTM recurrent neural network//Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communication and Network Security. Tsingtao, China, 2018/11/02:79-83.
36. Zhang Yu-Xuan, Wei Jiang-Hong, Zhang Xiao-Jian, , Hu Xue-Xian, Liu Wen-Fen. A Two-Phase algorithm for generating synthetic graph under local differential privacy//Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communication and Network Security. Tsingtao, China, 2018/11/02,84-89.
37. 叶茂,刘文芬.一种适用于大规模数据的约束谱聚类框架[J].信息工程大学学报,2018,19(04):480-487.
38. Wei, Jianghong; Liu, Wenfen; Hu, Xuexian, Secure Data Sharing in Cloud Computing Using Revocable-Storage Identity-Based Encryption, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 6(4): 1136-1148, 2018-10-01
39. Wei, JH (Wei, Jianghong)[ 1,2 ] ; Liu, WF (Liu, Wenfen)[ 1 ] ; Hu, XX (Hu, Xuexian) Secure and Efficient Attribute-Based Access Control for Multiauthority Cloud Storage ,IEEE Systems Journal,12(2): 1731-1742, 2018-01-01
40. 鹿忠磊,刘文芬*,周艳芳,胡学先,王彬宇,一种基于“预读”及简单注意力机制的句子压缩方法,计算机应用研究, 2019-02-01,36(2):371-375。Vol36,No.2,Feb.2019
41. 张宇轩,魏江宏,李霁, 刘文芬*,胡学先,点差分隐私下图数据的度直方图发布方法,计算机研究与发展,56(3),508-520,2019-3-15.
42. 章梦礼,张启慧,刘文芬*,胡学先,魏江宏.一种基于结构划分及字符串重组的口令攻击方法[J].计算机学报, 42(04):913-928,2019-4-1.
43.  Gao Guangpu, Lin Dongdai,Liu Wenfen,A Note on Rotation Symmetric S-boxes,Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 32(5): 1460-1472,2019-10-01.  DOI: 10.1007/s11424-019-7263-8 ,
44. Mengli Zhang, Qihui Zhang, Wenfen Liu*, Xuexian Hu and Jianghong Wei: TG-SPSR: A Systematic Targeted Password Attacking Model, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 13(5): 2674-2697,2019.05.31
45. Zhang, QH (Zhang, Qihui)[ 1 ] ; Chaudhary, P (Chaudhary, Pradeep)[ 2 ] ; Kumari, S (Kumari, Saru)[ 3 ] ; Kong, ZY (Kong, Zhiyin)[ 4 ] ; Liu, WF (Liu, Wenfen)[ 5 ],Verifier-based anonymous password-authenticated key exchange protocol in the standard model ,Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering,16( 5): 3623-3640, 2019
46. Chun Liu, Xuexian Hu, Qihui Zhang, Jianghong Wei, Wenfen Liu: An Efficient Biometric Identification in Cloud Computing With Enhanced Privacy Security. IEEE Access vol. 7: 105363-105375(2019)
47. Mengli Zhang, Gang Zhou, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Saru Kumari, Xuexian Hu, Wenfen Liu: SPSR-FSPG: A Fast Simulative Password Set Generation Algorithm. IEEE Access 7: 155107-155119 (2019)
48. Wei, JH [1] ; Hu, XX [1] ; Liu, WF[2] ; Zhang, QH [1],Forward and backward secure fuzzy encryption for data sharing in cloud computing ,Soft Computing, 23(2): 497-506 2019-06-01,
49.Ji Li, , Jianghong Wei, Mao Ye, Wenfen Liu* , Xuexian Hu, Privacy preserving constrained spectral clustering algorithm for large-scale data sets,IET Inf. Secur., 2020, Vol. 14 Iss. 3, pp. 321-331
50. Qihui Zhang1, Wenfen Liu2*, Kang Yang3, Xuexian Hu1, and Ying Mei4Round-Efficient Anonymous Password Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol in the Standard Model. The 15th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Inscrypt 2019) .
51. 张启慧, 胡学先,  刘文芬,  魏江宏,改进的三方口令验证元认证密钥交换协议. 软件学报. 2020年.
52. GuangpuGaoa,b,c,DongdaiLinb,WenfenLiud,YongjuanWanga,c,Composition of Boolean functions: An application to the secondary constructions of bent functions, Discrete Mathematics。



1、 密码学中的逻辑函数,中软电子出版公司,2003.01





1.     1.  863目标导向类课题,2007AA01Z2A,快速自愈路由协议与试验系统, 2007.12-2009.1240万,子课题负责人

3.    2. 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目子课题,2008BAH37B02-2,新一代可信任互联网真实地址寻址关键技术,2008.012010.1237万,子课题负责人。

5.    3. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973 计划)课题,2012CB315905,可重构基础网络的安全和管控机理与结构,2012/01-2016/12108万元,子课题负责人。

6.    4. 重点实验室开放课题,SKLNST-2013-1-06,具有优良密码学性质的旋转对称布尔函数的构造,2013.10-2015.105万,主持

7.      5国家自然学科学基金项目,61379150,网关口令认证密钥交换协议的模型与设计研究,2014/01-2017/1275万元,副组长。

9.     6. 国家自然学科学基金项目,61502527,面向隐私保护的口令认证和密钥交换协议研究,2016/01-2018/1221万元,副组长。

10.   7. 沙巴足球(中国)股份有限公司官网科研启动基金,隐私保护下的大数据分析关键技术研究,2017.12-2012.1240万,主持

11. 国家自然科学基金项目,61862011,差分隐私约束下的图数据发布机制与挖掘算法研究,2019/01-2022/1238万元。



13.9.广西重点实验室开放课题项目,GCIS201704, 健康医疗大数据安全共享关键技术研究, 2017/11-2019/123万





1. 刘文芬, 胡学先, 魏江宏, 郜燕, 代致永. (2014). 面向可重构服务承载网的安全管控模型建立方法. CN. ZL 201410405711.7. 发明专利.

2. 刘文芬, 张建辉, 王伟, 程东年, 胡学先,魏江宏. (2011). 域间路由系统中自治系统间信任关系的建立和维护方法. CN. ZL 201110057793.7. 发明专利.

3. 兰巨龙,杨琴,刘文芬,胡学先,陈庶樵,张风雨,曹敏.2006)网络拓扑模型生成方法和系统. CN. ZL 200910000296.6. 发明专利.



E-mail: liuwenfen@guet.edu.cn

