
何水龙 正高级 (xiaofeilonghe@163.com)    





长期进行车辆工程、智能驾驶、智能感知、数据融合、智能决策与控制、汽车振动控制、动力学系统建模、故障诊断、信号处理与结构健康状态监测的应用与研究。主持国家自然科学基金1项、国家重点实验室开放课题1项、广西区创新驱动重大专项子课题3项、广西重点研发计划项目1项、广西自然科学基金面上项目1项、柳州市科技开发项目3项、广西重点实验室课题1项、广西教育厅项目1项、陕西重点实验室开放课题1项等,参与完成了国家自然科学基金5项、广西杰青1项、广西创新团队1项等。在国内外期刊上发表论文70多篇,其中SCI/EI收录50多篇(中科院一区TOP期刊20多篇,ESI高被引1篇),申请知识产权80余项,授权发明专利32项。 获2021年度广西技术发明二等奖、2022年度中国科技产业化促进会科技进步一等奖、2022年度陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果奖一等奖、2020年度广西机械工程学会科技进步一等奖、东风汽车集团科技进步三等奖、2021年度广西汽车行业创新成果一等奖各1项。

本课题组项目经费充足,提供到国内知名汽车企业进行研究与实习机会,同时实验室设备丰富(故障诊断类试验台齐全)。 欢迎吃苦耐劳、肯专研、有创新思维、有算法研究基础、数学和英语(过六级优先)功底较好,控制、信号处理、计算机、软件、车辆等相关学科专业,且有志于汽车智能网联、智能驾驶研究与控制、优化与减振提升舒适性、信号处理、可靠性等技术研究以及有嵌入式软硬件、电子设计大赛经验想成就一番事的考生报考。


2021.12 - 至今,  沙巴足球(中国)股份有限公司官网,教授/博导

2018.12 - 2021.11,沙巴足球(中国)股份有限公司官网,副教授/硕导

2014.12 - 2018.11,沙巴足球(中国)股份有限公司官网,校聘副教授/硕导

2021.09 - 2022.06,东南大学,中组部“西部之光”访问学者

2015.12 - 2019.11,东风柳州汽车有限公司,博士后



以下等国际期刊的审稿人: IEEE多个系列、 Mechanism and Machine Theory、 Shock and Vibration、 Measurement、 Measurement Science and Technology、Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing、 Journal of Low Frequency Noise、Vibration and Active Control、Engineering Computations 等。


[1] Triplet metric driven multi-head GNN augmented with decoupling adversarial learning for intelligent fault diagnosis of machines under varying working condition. Journal of Manufacturing SystemsIF= 9.498,中科院一区TOP, 2022;

[2] A multi-module generative adversarial network augmented with adaptive decoupling strategy for intelligent fault diagnosis of machines with small sample. Knowledge-Based SystemsIF=8.139,中科院一区TOP, 2022;

[3] Prior Knowledge-Augmented Self-Supervised Feature Learning for Few-shot Intelligent Fault Diagnosis of Machines. IEEE Transactions on Industrial ElectronicsIF=8.162,中科院一区TOP, 2022;

[4] Multi-channel Calibrated Transformer with Shifted Windows for Few-shot Fault Diagnosis under Sharp Speed Variation. ISA TransactionsIF=5.911,中科院小类一区TOP, 2022;

[5] Semi-supervised meta-learning networks with squeeze-and-excitation attention for few-shot fault diagnosis. ISA TransactionsIF=5.911,中科院小类一区TOP, 2022;

[6] A dual-guided adaptive decomposition method of fault information and fault sensitivity for multi-component fault diagnosis under varying speeds. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and MeasurementIF=5.332,中科院二区), 2022;

[7] Similarity Metric-Based Metalearning Network Combining Prior Metatraining Strategy for Intelligent Fault Detection Under Small Samples Prerequisite. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and MeasurementIF=5.332,中科院二区), 2022;

[8] High-temperature augmented neighborhood metric learning for cross-domain fault diagnosis with imbalanced data. Knowledge-Based SystemsIF=8.139,中科院一区TOP, 2022;

[9]Lightweight Design of Commercial Vehicle Cab Based on Fatigue Durability. Computer Modeling in Engineering  & Sciences, 2022.

[10] Semi-supervised Multi-scale Attention-aware Graph Convolution Network for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis of Machine under Extremely-limited Labeled Samples. Journal of Manufacturing SystemsIF= 9.498,中科院一区TOP, 2022;

[11] Cross-domain intelligent bearing fault diagnosis under class imbalanced samples via transfer residual network augmented with explicit weight self-assignment strategy based on meta data. Knowledge-Based SystemsIF=8.139,中科院一区TOP, 2022;

[12] Intelligent Fault Quantitative Identification for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) via a Novel Deep Dual Reinforcement Learning Model Accompanied with Insufficient Samples. IEEE Internet of Things JournalIF= 10.238,中科院一区TOP, 2022;

[13] Research on Teaching Reform of College Student Training Mode Based on Engineering Project Economic Evaluation of Driving Behavior with Internet of Vehicles Data. Scientific Programming, 2022;

[15] Contrastive-weighted self-supervised model for long-tailed data classification with vision transformer augmentedy, Mechanical Systems and Signal ProcessingIF=8.934,中科院一区TOP,2021;

[16] Generative adversarial network in mechanical fault diagnosis under small sample: A systematic review on applications and future perspectives. ISA transactionsIF=5.911,中科院小类一区TOP, 2021;

[17] A classification method to detect faults in a rotating machinery based on kernelled support tensor machine and multilinear principal component analysis. Applied IntelligenceIF= 5.019,中科院二区), 2021;

[18] Subspace Network with Shared Representation learning for intelligent fault diagnosis of machine under speed transient conditions with few samples. ISA transactionsIF=5.911,中科院小类一区TOP, 2021;

[19] Globally Localized Multisource Domain Adaptation for Cross-Domain Fault Diagnosis With Category Shift. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning SystemsIF= 14.255,中科院一区TOP, 2021;

[20] Intelligent fault diagnosis under small sample size conditions via Bidirectional InfoMax GAN with unsupervised representation learning. Knowledge-Based SystemsIF=8.139,中科院一区TOP, 2021;

[21]  Intelligent fault diagnosis of machines with small & imbalanced data: A state-of-the-art review and possible extensions, ISA TransactionsIF=5.911,中科院小类一区TOP,2021;

[22] Differentiable neural architecture search augmented with pruning and multi-objective optimization for time-efficient intelligent fault diagnosis of machinery, Mechanical Systems and Signal ProcessingIF=8.934,中科院一区TOP,2021;

[23] Similarity-based meta-learning network with adversarial domain adaptation for cross-domain fault identification, Knowledge-Based SystemsIF=8.139,中科院一区TOP, 2021;

[24] A Small Sample Focused Intelligent Fault Diagnosis Scheme of Machines via Multi-modules Learning with Gradient Penalized Generative Adversarial Networks, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics IF=8.162,中科院一区TOP, 2021;

[25] Deep Feature Generating Network: A New Method for Intelligent Fault Detection of Mechanical Systems under Class Imbalance, IEEE Transactions on Industrial InformaticsIF=11.648,中科院一区TOP, 2021;

[26] QSCGAN: An Un-Supervised Quick Self-Attention Convolutional GAN for LRE Bearing Fault Diagnosis Under Limited Label-Lacked Data. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and MeasurementIF=5.332,中科院二区), 2021;

[27] Layer Regeneration Network With Parameter Transfer and Knowledge Distillation for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis of Bearing Using Class Unbalanced Sample. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and MeasurementIF=5.332,中科院二区), 2021;

[28] Towards Small Sample Challenge in Intelligent Fault Diagnosis: Attention Weighted Multi-depth Feature Fusion Net with Signals Augmentation. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and MeasurementIF=5.332,中科院二区), 2021;

[29] Coupling analysis and optimization of commercial vehicles cab comfort with multi-platform integrated calculation. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2021;

[30] Research on Safety Evaluation of Commercial Vehicle Driving Behavior Based on Data Mining Technology. Journal of Sensors, 2021;

[31] 基于MATLAB的商用车平顺性优化与分析, 机械设计与制造, 2021; 

[32] 面向整车平顺性的商用车平衡悬架结构分析与优化设计研究. 机械科学与技术, 2021;

[33] 保险杠动态谐振机理分析和怠速抖动控制研究. 机械科学与技术, 2021;

[34] 基于信域指标分解的重型商用车驾驶室减振控制研究,振动与冲击,2020

[35] Research on cab vibration control based on parameter hierarchical interaction model, Shock and Vibration, 2020;

[36] Research on ride comfort analysis and hierarchical optimization of heavy vehicles with coupled nonlinear dynamics of suspension, Measurement, 2020;

[37] Steady-State Steering Characteristics of Mathematical Model for Semitrailer Based on Variations in Camber Parameters, Shock and Vibration, 2020;

[38] Research on a multi-node joint vibration control strategy for controlling the steering wheel of a commercial vehicle, Shock and Vibration, 2020;

[39] Ride Comfort Analysis and Multivariable Co-optimization of the Commercial Vehicle Based on an Improved Nonlinear ModelIEEE Accesss2020

[40] Research on a multi-node joint vibration control strategy for controlling the steering wheel of a commercial vehicleShock and Vibration2019

[41] A Multi-Point Iterative Analysis Method for Vibration Control of a Steering Wheel at Idle SpeedIEEE Access, 2019

[42] Detection and Location of Stator Winding Interturn Fault at Different Slots of DFIGIEEE Access, 2019

[43] Commercial Vehicle Ride Comfort Optimization Based on Intelligent Algorithms and Nonlinear DampingShock and Vibration, 2019;

[44] A domain association hierarchical decomposition optimization method for cab vibration control of commercial vehicle, Measurement,  2019

[45] Vibration control analysis of vehicle steering system based on the combined method of FEA and modal testJournal of Vibration and Control, 2019

[46] 某轻型卡车方向盘怠速振动优化控制研究,计算机仿真,2019;

[47] 静态侧倾稳定角的计算与影响因素分析,机械科学与技术,2019;

[48] 基于S函数三相异步电机复合故障特征研究,微电机,2019;

[49] A Novel Deep Learning Network via Multi-Scale Inner Product with Locally Connected Feature Extraction for Intelligent Fault Detection,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2019;

[50] Damping Enhancement Using Axially Functionally Graded Porous Structure Based on Acoustic Black Hole Effect. Materials, 2019;

[51] An improved two-step method based on Kriging model for beam structures. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 2019;


Wavelet transform based on inner product for fault diagnosis of rotating machinery[M]//Structural Health Monitoring. Springer, Cham, 2017: 65-91.


[1] 国家自然科学基金,基于数据驱动的海上双馈风力发电机机电多故障集成多小波定量诊断方法研究,主持在研,2021-2023;

[2] 国家重点实验室开放课题,小样本下航空发动机气路故障智能识别技术研究,主持在研,2022-2024;

[3] 广西创新驱动发展专项资金(科技重大专项),低碳智联新重型商用车协同创新研发及成果转化应用,2个子课题主持在研,2018-2022;

[4] 广西创新驱动发展专项资金(科技重大专项),商用车智能驾驶关键技术研发与整车开发,子课题主持在研,2022-2026;

[5] 广西重点研发计划项目,商用车智能座舱系统的关键技术研发与应用,主持在研,2021-2023;

[6] 柳州市重大专项,基于人工智能的商用车智能驾驶关键技术研究与大规模应用,主持在研,2020-2023;

[7] 柳州市科技计划,满足国六排放的380~560马力LZ4H7系列牵引车开发,主持结题,2019-2022; 

[8] 广西自然科学基金面上项目,基于信息驱动的大型风力发电机多故障定了诊断方法,主持结题,2021-2023;

[9] 柳州市科技开发项目,重型商用车虚拟分析平台开发及行驶动态性能优化关键技术研究,主持结题,2016-2019;

[10] 广西重点实验室项目,双馈发电机复合故障机理和诊断技术研究,主持结题,2016-2018;

[11] 广西教育厅项目,双馈风力发电机多故障机理与诊断方法研究,主持结题,2027-2019;







[5] 一种分级式鼓式制动器,发明专利,授权;


[7] 一种可调节汽车座椅装置,发明专利,授权;

[8] 汽车后轮悬架主动调节系统及调节方法,发明专利,授权;

[9] 一种卡车制动系统,发明专利,授权;

[10] 一种卡车用离合器,发明专利,授权;

[11] 一种车载显示屏调节装置,发明专利,授权;

[12] 一种卡车弯道自动驾驶调教方法及系统,发明专利,授权;









[21] 一种针对长头卡车发动机罩的疲劳耐久分析方法,发明专利,受理;


[23] 一种商用车整车底盘部件疲劳载荷谱提取方法,发明专利,受理;




[27] 一种基于SOT-SVM的变工况滚动轴承故障诊断方法,发明专利,授权;



[30] 一种商用车驾驶行为评价方法及系统,发明专利,受理;

[31] 一种卡车悬架用液压减震装置,发明专利,受理;







[38] 一种基于融合驾驶行为特征的BP神经网络油耗预测方法,发明专利,受理;


[40] 一种基于车联网数据的商用车驾驶员驾驶风格识别方法,发明专利,受理;



[43] 一种优化主题相关性分析的变工况滚动轴承故障诊断方法,发明专利,受理;




[47] 一种基于车联网数据的商用车驾驶行为风险等级辨识方法,发明专利,受理;





















[68] 一种基于双层BDA的域自适应滚动轴承故障定性与定量诊断系统,软件著作权,已登记;

[69] 一种基于两层极限学习机的滚动轴承故障定性分析与定量评估系统,软件著作权,已登记;

[70] 商用车高速路段油耗预测系统,软件著作权,已登记;

[71] 基于HyperWorks的惯性释放自动化建模系统,软件著作权,已登记;

[72] 商用车驾驶行为状态监控系统,软件著作权,已登记;

[73] 基于HyperWorks惯性释放的二次开发界面系统,软件著作权,已登记;

[74] 驾驶行为经济性评分系统,软件著作权,已登记;

[75] 基于车联网大数据的商用车驾驶行为评价系统,软件著作权,已登记;

[76] 商用车方向盘振动频率控制系统,软件著作权,已登记;

[77] 商用车转向共振频率测算软件,软件著作权,已登记;

[78] 重型商用车制动测试软件,软件著作权,已登记;

[79] 基于Matlab的虚拟样机仿真路面生成系统,软件著作权,已登记;

[80] 商用车动力学性能全局协同优化系统,软件著作权,已登记;

