关于Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Jaume Llibre教授和上海交通大学张祥教授来校讲学的预告

作者: 时间:2023-10-13 点击数:10

应数学与计算科学学院、广西应用数学中心(沙巴足球(中国)股份有限公司官网)及广西高校数据分析与计算重点实验室邀请,Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Jaume Llibre教授和上海交通大学张祥教授将于20231014日来校讲学,欢迎全校师生踊跃参加。报告具体安排如下:




报告题目一:C^1 Integrability via periodic orbits

  主讲人Jaume Llibre教授


Kovalevskaya's idea and consequently Ziglin's and Morales-Ramis' theory go back to Poincare, who used the multipliers of the monodromy group of the variational equations associated to periodic orbits for studying the non integrability of autonomous differential systems. The main difficulty for applying Poincare's non integrability method to a given autonomous differential system is to find for such an equation periodic orbits having multipliers different from 1.We shall apply Poincare's results for studying the C^1 integrability of the Lorenz system, the Rossler system, the Michelson system, the Henon--Heiles Hamiltonian system and the Yang-Mills Hamiltonian system.


Jaume Llibre西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学教授,西班牙皇家科学院院士,2009年获西班牙ICREA Academia奖。研究方向为常微分方程与动力系统。主要结果发表在:Memory AMSCommun. Pure Appl. Math.Adv. Math.Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.等世界一流数学期刊上。


  报告题目二:The classical predator-prey model with the generalized Holling III functional response



This talk introduces our results on the global dynamics of the classical predator-prey models with the generalized Holling type III functional response. We will show that this system has rich dynamics, such as sub-and supercritical Hopf bifurcation, Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation, relaxation oscillation, canard explosion, homoclinic and heteroclinic connections and so on. The main tools are qualitative and bifurcation theories together with singular perturbation theory.


    上海交通大学特聘教授(二级教授、享受国务院特殊津贴)、欧洲科学与艺术院院士。从事动力系统的定性、分支和可积理论、以及奇异摄动理论的研究。主要结果发表在 Adv. Math., American J. Math., Comm. Math Phys., J. Differential Equations, J. Functional Analysis, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 等国际期刊上。目前担任中国数学会奇异摄动专业委员会主任、以及IJBCQTDSSCI杂志的编委等。


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