关于University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley冯兆生教授和王晓慧教授来校讲学的预告

作者: 时间:2023-06-23 点击数:10

应数学与计算科学学院、广西应用数学中心(沙巴足球(中国)股份有限公司官网)及广西高校数据分析与计算重点实验室邀请,University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley冯兆生教授和王晓慧教授将于2023625日来校讲学,欢迎全校师生踊跃参加。报告具体安排如下:




报告题目一:Bounded Wave Solutions of KdV-Burgers-type Equations



In this talk, we consider dynamics of a class of the KdV-Burgers-type systems by starting with Burgers-type equations, and then focus on the higher-order KdV-Burgers equation, a partial differential equation that occupies a prominent position in describing some physical processes in motion of turbulence and other unstable process systems. We limit our attention to various bounded wave solutions and their asymptotic behaviors.


冯兆生,美国德克萨斯大学RGV分校Carlos and Stephanie Manrique de Lara讲席教授,主要研究方向是非线性分析,动力系统,数学物理问题,数值计算与模拟等,曾于20152021年两次获得德克萨斯大学年度杰出成就奖。现任国际知名学术期刊CNSNS的共同主编和EJDE的执行主编,和多个国际SCI杂志的编委及AIMS应用数学系列丛书的编委。


  报告题目二:Statistical Methods Applications in Environmental Science and Public Health Projects



We will discuss statistical methods applications on two projects. The first one is an environmental science project on PM2.5 that has been a main environmental concern due to its adverse effects on human health and society. This study includes investigating air quality improvement trends in 2008-2017, PM2.5 historical data reliability, and PM2.5 real-time data reliability. The second one is an public health clinical study on childhood obesity. This study aims to investigate the efficacy of the Bienestar coordinated school health program (BCSHP) in reducing obesity prevalence in preschools serving predominantly Hispanic children.


      王晓慧,女,美国德克萨斯大学大河谷分校(University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley) 数学和统计学院终身教授, 博导,应用统计和生物统计中心主任。主要研究方向有贝叶斯分析法, 大数据分析与处理, 统计计算,生物和药品统计,信息生物统计法, 统计模型和生物数学等。在统计和医学学术刊物上共发表学术论文40余篇 (不含国际会议论文),近年参与编写英文著作一本。目前主持美国国家自然科学164万美元)基金项目。2006-2022主持参加过美国国防部、美国国家自然科学、美国卫生部、美国国立卫生研究院、Robert Wood Johnson基金、美国得克萨斯交通部和美国得克萨斯高等教育部(其中4项是multi-million基金), 以及多项医学、公共卫生、工程和教育领域的应用统计基金项目。2012-2019曾数次应邀担任美国自然科学基金的审查委员。自2005年起应邀在二十多个国际和美国国内统计学大会上作过邀请报告。


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